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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 2

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I have a problem with my synergy 2 shaft. I was recently playing in a practice and I took a slapshot from the point and the puck went about 20 miles an hour into the corner. It sounded and felt like my stick broke, but there were no marks or cracks on the shaft. And now the stick feels (for the lack of a better word) "dead". All of my teammates say that when I receive a pass or shoot it sounds wierd. The flex is 100 btw. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does anyone know what is wrong with it?

Also does easton make a synergy 2 heatley blade?

Thanks ahead of time.

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It might be cracked somewhere along the shaft. Flex it a little and take a good look while its flexed.

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Check your endplug and see if it's not firmly in there. If you don't have an endplug, take your blade out and gently bounce the end on the floor and see how it vibrates.

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I took the blade and the plug out and i bounced the end of it on my carpetand it sounded like it was broken. I will re glue the plug and the blade to see if that might be the problem. I also flexed it and looked at it while I was flexing it and I didn't see anything.

Thanks 4 the advice.

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If you did that w/o the endplug in there then there's no need to think it's the endplug. Check inside the shaft and see if there's maybe something in there, otherwise it's the shaft and it will break soon.

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I looked down the shaft and there is nothing in it. I guess I will just have to put this one on the "sticks I don't use for one reason or another" rack.

Does anyone know if easton makes a heatley synergy 2 blade?

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Take it to stick and puck and whack at some pucks. Chances are it will break.

If it's still under warranty, and you still have the reciept, call easton. If not then at least you know the deal for next time.

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