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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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srs has done it again

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i havent seen talk about this, so i started the topic. srs now offers blade repair, in addition to their shaft repair. i was skeptical of shaft repair, but now, im extremely skeptical of blade repair. how can they repair them while still leaving feel and durability?

the ad is on p59 of the latest usa hockey magazine

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i havent seen talk about this, so i started the topic. srs now offers blade repair, in addition to their shaft repair. i was skeptical of shaft repair, but now, im extremely skeptical of blade repair. how can they repair them while still leaving feel and durability?

the ad is on p59 of the latest usa hockey magazine

Im pretty sure both Stick Fix and SRS has been doing blade repair for quite some time.

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whbd - actually LCHockey is right on this one.

The reps do not have much details on it just yet but it is a new deal.

Ok, it might of just been Stick Fix then, because I remember reading about it on here awhile ago and theres been a couple OPS with repaired blades on eBay.

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whbd - actually LCHockey is right on this one.

i bet you thought u would never say that...lol

jr, have u gotten to try this?

The reps do not have much details on it just yet but it is a new deal.


If the sales rep just found out about it and didn't know much about it, how would I? Well, then again, that's happened many a time...

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whbd - actually LCHockey is right on this one.

The reps do not have much details on it just yet but it is a new deal.

Ok, it might of just been Stick Fix then, because I remember reading about it on here awhile ago and theres been a couple OPS with repaired blades on eBay.

Yes, stick fix has been doing blades for a while.

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SRS has been working on the blade repair for quite some time. They did not want to release it till they perfected it. Us SRS dealers will get the kits/training in Feb. I tried to get it earlier but they wil not release it till the Toronto show.

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I got a RBK 7K in an Ebay Auction that had the shaft re-done. So I guess its still considered a OPS but I hate it. It feels alot heavier, I can feel bumps in the stick where it was re-done. And not to mention the graphics went to hell.

I dont know which company put the stick back together, but I would bet they're all the same.

Although I dont know how much it would cost to send your stick IN to them to get it put back together - maybe its around $50, IDK.

But I'm pretty upset I spent the money I did on a RBK 7K thats heavier then all my woodies.

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I got a RBK 7K in an Ebay Auction that had the shaft re-done. So I guess its still considered a OPS but I hate it. It feels alot heavier, I can feel bumps in the stick where it was re-done. And not to mention the graphics went to hell.

I dont know which company put the stick back together, but I would bet they're all the same.

Although I dont know how much it would cost to send your stick IN to them to get it put back together - maybe its around $50, IDK.

But I'm pretty upset I spent the money I did on a RBK 7K thats heavier then all my woodies.

i had it done to 2 of my sticks and there was not that big of a differince except weight

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