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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1st Time Sharpenings

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I was running a year end service report for 2006. In our shop we have a separate sku for 1st time sharpenings, aka, you bought those skates elsewhere so we charge you a little more. For 2006, we did 388 1st time sharpenings. That is a lot of skates bought at Modells, Sports Authority, and online walking in the door. Oh well...........

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as compared to how many first sharpenings on skates bought from your store? Also, are you taking in account used skates that they possibly bought from you that got new steel... possibly bought online?

Just curious.

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We sold a lot of skates out of the shop. It is a much higher number than 388. When we replace steel on holders, we don't charge a 1st time sharpening fee. We usually include the sharpening with the steel purchase. A lot of the 1st time sharpenings are for super low-end models that we don't carry. I like to call those skates "Canvas Converse sneakers with blades". You know what I mean, the skates with no support whatsoever. I get a fair share of online skates for 1st time sharpenings but it is not out of control in this area.

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oh wow, then that really is surprising. You must run a tight ship which is how a shop should be run.

Random statement(haha): I feel bad not buying stuff at my LHS, thing is I have this thing for older top of the line stuff because it's cheaper... and my LHSs don't carry a lot of it. I like to have nice stuff, especially sticks but I don't think that my playing ability/level of play is deserving of a $100+ stick. Yet at the same time I don't like $100 price point sticks, older top end sticks seem to solve this issue. Just wish my v120 would have lasted longer, seriously how does a stick break on a backhand? :(

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My favourite are the adjustable Wal-mart skates

We sold a lot of skates out of the shop. It is a much higher number than 388. When we replace steel on holders, we don't charge a 1st time sharpening fee. We usually include the sharpening with the steel purchase. A lot of the 1st time sharpenings are for super low-end models that we don't carry. I like to call those skates "Canvas Converse sneakers with blades". You know what I mean, the skates with no support whatsoever. I get a fair share of online skates for 1st time sharpenings but it is not out of control in this area.

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My sharpening partner just told me everytime he sees those adjustables, he takes one skate and makes it as long as possible and takes the other and makes it as short as possible!

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That is a lot of skates bought at Modells, Sports Authority, and online walking in the door. Oh well...........

I'm not sure I'm understanding the issue. Are you upset about this, and if so, why ? I was under the impression that the margins on skates is fairly low. If so - and correct me if I am wrong - you're not losing that much money, and you're still picking up their sharpening business, which I assume is much higher margin.

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No, I'm not upset at all. I've been doing this so long that it is what it is. I just thought I'd share some info. this thread is not about losing money or anything like that.

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I've had some "Ontario" brand skates that have come from MC Sports that have at least an inch and a half to two inches of plastic between the blade and the boot that won't fit in any jig that we have.

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