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Redlite Xn10 question

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Is the Redlite Xn10 concave like the xn10 and the Response +? And does anyeone know where i can find a ptc blade for it, last thing i remember was JR saying that they were back ordered but i heard there are a few around somewhere.Thanks

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it's not concave... just like a regular shaft. at least mine is. no idea where to get a ptc, sorry. i thought hockeygiant might have had preorders or something, but i don't remember.

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The senior model Redlight XN10s are concave shaft shape, as is every TPS senior shaft for 2004-2005.

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hmm, mine is a whip and it doesn't feel like the xn10. i have an xn10 too and it doesn't feel the same way. it may be because the shaft shape is smaller. they have intermediate shafts marked as intermediate, but my shaft that is senior whip is shorter than normal senior shafts. either way, it doesn't have that concave shape. as for what to compare it to, it's hard to say, i was using OPS's before i got it, so it's the first two piece stick i've used since z-bubble. it performs well though, it's quite light.

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I heard the xn10 redlite does have the concave shape. Just about every website descriptoin on the shaft says it has the concave shape. Ive seen the ptc blade at kempshockey.

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Hey aarias19 does the redlite shaft you have, have a smaller shaped shaft or is it the same shapes just shorter?

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Strange, accoring to the catalog the whip is no different than the other senior shafts in terms of length or shape.

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Strange, accoring to the catalog the whip is no different than the other senior shafts in terms of length or shape.

yeah, that's why i was surprised to see that the shaft was shorter and slimmer -- it's like an intermediate cross section. oh well, it works just fine. i got it from epuck pretty much as soon as they had it on their site, and the graphics seem a little off, so i thought maybe it might be a blem. the paint peeled off so quickly too. then again, that doesn't explain the smaller shaft for what should be a senior flex.


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That's strange, my whip flex Redlite XN10 is double concave and has normal senior length and dimensions. The paint does chip easily, though.

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My LHS has PTC blades, Im located in Regina, Saskatchewn. If your really that intrested the number is (306)545-8812.


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Is there any US dealer that sells the PTC cause i am looking for one in right handed SR. Tkachuk.

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I got my Redlite XN10 today and as soon as I took it out of the packing tube, it felt like an aluminum shaft. The shaft is really light. So I slapped in an abs blade in it, and it felt just like my response plus shots. Except the shaft and blade combo was a bit heavier. When I felt the shaft it did feel concave, but it was minor. Maybe epuck got an odd shipment, because it did infact feel smaller, but the graphics showed it to be Whip and 250 grams(or maybe thats just the way they make them?. Just thought I'd inform everyone.

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The height was nice, all i did was take out the extention and the shaft was just about the same hieght as my cut down Response Plus. The height seems to be a sr. height.

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the shaft is stupid light. I was playing around with a buddy of mines who had a whip with a sakic si core z carbon, thing was an absolute rocket launcher.

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Nah. I got mine at epuck for $103, including ground shipping. It is the best price i have seen it so far.

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yeah, epuck is your best bet. it comes out to just over $100 with shipping.

funny, i put an inno blade in mine (uncut) and it was shorter than my xn10 (also uncut). i pictured a senior shaft to come out to around the same height with a blade vs. a OPS -- and this wasn't even close. oh well with the extension it's the same height.

glad to hear you like the new stick. it's a good one.

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