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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gorgeous set, Miker. (More detailed reply in your thread.)

BTW, that's a splendid mask Rosey - Matt does first class work. I admire the way you prioritised your set.

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My ball and inline gear. Just need skates and a new C/A so I can start ice...

Mask: Sportmask Ricochet

Pads: RBK ps2 35+2

Blocker: Itech Rx9

Glove: Itech Rx9

C/A: Itech prodigy 4.8

Pants: Vaughn Vault

Jock: Vaughn 7500

Stick: RBK 6k

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Mask: Bauer 2500

Pads: RBK 6K 34"

Blocker: RBK 8K

Glove: RBK 8K

C/A: Vaughn Epic 8600

Pants: Vaughn Epic 8600

Skates: CCM 852 Tacks, NikeBauer One75

Jock: Bauer

Stick: TPS Rw1 - NikeBauer 7500 - Reebok Pro Spec Pro

Images is already old, but i share it anyway.

changed my pads with NikeBauer One55 36" in white/wsilver/white, and Glove&Blocker with Bauer X:50.

will post pics of all the rest of the stuff soon

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my junks:

rbk 4k skates

eddy gt ultimate ii helmet w/ cert cateye cage and bauer gtp dangler

rbk premier ii pro c/a

rbk sr pro spec pants

koho 700 pads 36+1

rbk knee pads

swd 9950

cant remember what else

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Mask: Itech 960

Pads: Vaughn V3 36"+2

Glove: Brians DX2 Pro

Blocker: Vaughn Epic

Skate: Bauer XXX, Stainless Steel cowling

Pants: Tackla Pro

Chest: Vaughn V3

Cup: Brians

Knee Pads: RBK hard cap

Stick: Sherwood 9950 or 9990X

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Well the the postman drop off a box for me sometime Wednesday, and inside was my new Viper Gloves! I won't be playing with them on ice until early Sept. so no real review until then, but I can post some eye candy pics now :)

I started off with a set from James' clearance area of 2009 BOA, but as the process moved along and I ordered a set of pads to match things morphed into the 2010 BOA gloves with the modified Fang (or Fang-2 as I call it) graphic. The colours turned out great and match my new lid great. Out of the box I'm very impressed with the gloves, it's been over 12 years since my last new gloves......and lets just say the technology has come a long way! The new gloves are much lighter, and also the new NHL spec's so much small. The trapper has the one piece cuff so this is new, but really doesn't fell that much different on my hand. The break is also a little different to my Kay trapper, so it will take a little getting use too (I will miss the finger ridge). The biggest thing for the blocker will be getting use the the extra finger protection, seems like a lot more stuff around my finger when holding a stick. I'm sure this is a good thing and will save my fingers, but will take some adjustment to get use to.

OK enough with the words, and more with the pictures!









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Well I got my new Battram gear in the mail today, it will work nice with the rest of my new gear when it arrives (mask & gloves here, waiting for pads, C/A and Pants).

It will be a while be for I get it on the ice, but will do a review of it then. Out of the box the first thing I noticed was this baby has some serious weight to it compared to the off the rack collars........but this is what you get when you go with gel. However it doesn't feel heavy when you wear it, as it's balanced nice when in place. It fits nicely with my new Combo from Ron (CovetedMask) doesn't affect the way the mask sit at all (which is perfect, sill have the awesome sight lines!) It will take some time to get use to wearing it, coming from a dangler I'm not use to having anything around my neck when I play. But I've been wearing it around the house (Yup new gear dork) and I think once I start playing I won't even notice it.....well maybe after a game or two of playing with it.

As for the craftsmanship, like all of Scott's work top notch. It was fast too, even with the custom graphic. Just a few days over 2 weeks from my first email to Scott until it's in my hands......and that includes a long weekend in there!









Front again


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My Custom McKenney 890 C/A

Mods =

Custom Colours (Royal, Navy, Silver, & Sport Gold)

Small Arms

Large Body

Two eyelets added, centred just above the flap at bottom of C/A body so pants can be laced through the C/A

No up-charge for any of these mods.






My Custom McKenney 890 Pants

Mods =

Custom Colours (Royal, Navy, Silver, Sport Gold)

Small Legs

Large Waist

"Ranger's" Stripe down the sides

No up-charge for any of these mods.




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Here is my current set.

These are a modded version of the Battram Nexus set.




I will post a review when I can get a topic opened for it.

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Well the wait is over the post man brought my Pads today........came to Calgary via Sudbury, but they made it here!

The first thing I noticed out of the box was how light they are......much lighter than my Kay pads thats for sure.....I would say about 1 lbs per pad.

The pads are the stock Venom, with the Tribal graphic in my team colours and a sliding toe bridge. The pads are made to fit an ATK of 16" - 17" (stock 33" Venom pad) The over all size of the pads is 35" measured along the face of the pad (so pretty much a 33" +2"). My ATK is 15.75, so its a pretty close fit......giving me a little room to grow LOL

And now for the pictures........








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I love James' work - lots of smart little touches like beveling the medial corner of the toe-bridges, which is exactly where they always wear.

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I love James' work - lots of smart little touches like beveling the medial corner of the toe-bridges, which is exactly where they always wear.

Very true Law, I also like his adjustable straps on the fingers of the block........its nice to not have the finger protection so tight to the fingers!

Well here is all the new gear for the upcoming 2010/2011 season

CovetedMask "Z" Combo with custom paint job

Battram Gel Throat Collar with Custom Graphic (can see it to well in the pics)

McKenney 890 C/A Custom size and colours

McKenney 890 Pants Custom size and colours

Viper BOA Gloves Stock Tribal Graphic in custom colours

Viper Venom Pads Stock Tribal Graphic in custom colours, 33"+2"



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