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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SRS and Stick Fix

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how much would a blade repair go for? i live in the US also.

Depends where broken. We charge $29.99 for a break in the blade, $19.99 for a bottom split and $15.99 for a toe repair. Your dealer may be more or less. Our shaft or hosel repairs are $29.99. Go to SRShockey.com and find a dealer near you.

Please to not ask if you can send them to me! I'm up to my a$$ in stick repairs, I don't need any more.

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Anybody know who does the SRS Blade fix in the Vancouver area? I remember hearing somewhere that someone in Richmond did it. . .

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One thing that i have learned from doing both the blade and shaft fixes with SRS is you have to take your time and do it correctly. I have fixed hundreds of shaft fixes and only had one come back with a re brake due to an internal twist of the core so not my fault. Sent it to SRS to inspect it and they fixed it up and sent it back looking as good as new. The blade fix is great but again you have to follow the steps and make sure you dont try to half ass it. As soon as you half ass it your already 3 steps behind and it will come out like shit. We have a list of every stick thats come in and who repairs it to keep everything consistent. Ive personally never had a problem with either fixes. I did have one shaft fix come loose on me but it was my own stick and was my first repair, so i lucked out.

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