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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shafts losing pop

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I am glad it isn't just me that wonders this...

I always feel "wasteful" discarding a shaft that isn't "broken". Of course the kids at our rink think you are a cool rich guy when walk up to them and hand them a stick and say "you want this". :-)

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about 2 months for me with the tapered shafts I use. As stated earlier its more the blade before the shaft I notice

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I disagree, probably because I break them before that happens. :D But I have old shafts in my garage (Green Z-Bubbles, Brown Ultralites, RLXn10s) where I'll occasionally throw a fresh blade into and shoot rockets.

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i notice both in fact its happening right now on my xxx tapered shaft (not a broken ops) altho it could just be how worn out my drury syn 2 blade is, but the shaft is definately more flexible than when i got it. ive been using it every day for probably about a month now and im afraid it might be at its end but im gonna try a new blade in it first...

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