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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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steen curve?

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ok so i can see the pic on ccms website of this new curve, and it looks like something i might be interested in. however, the pics there dont really show the curve that well and only show it in lefty (im righty) so its hard for me to tell exactly what it is. anybody have a description? i searched the pattern db without success as well...

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Its the same curve as last years stuart curve. I guess you could say it is Modano like, but there is a slight difference.

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The Steen is:







PM9 St-Louis-Hossa(bauer)

All of which are the closest to the steen but with a tad difference.

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its not a dead on clone of the aforementioned forsberg/modo pattern. the biggest difference is the lie, its basically a 6 - but a ccm 6 which is closer to a easton 5.5 than an easton 6. the pattern itslef isnt a dead on clone either, but it is similar. maybe slightly more mid curve than heel?

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ok well that one kinda backfired on me its definately a good thing that i asked...just out of curiosity has anybody seen the tps frolov curve? what would that compare to/how would you describe it?

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What is the lowest lie that CCM offers? I think it is stupid that more companies don't offer lower lies.

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just out of curiosity has anybody seen the tps frolov curve? what would that compare to/how would you describe it?

Has anyone seen or used the Frolov curve yet? Is it close to the TPS P19?

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What is the lowest lie that CCM offers? I think it is stupid that more companies don't offer lower lies.

I believe the Doan is listed as a 5 on CCM. The Recchi is listed here as a 5 but a 6 on CCM. I believe the former is correct.

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What is the lowest lie that CCM offers? I think it is stupid that more companies don't offer lower lies.

I believe the Doan is listed as a 5 on CCM. The Recchi is listed here as a 5 but a 6 on CCM. I believe the former is correct.

I can attest to that. The Doan is a true 5, and one of the most comfortable sticks I've used. However, the Doan pattern I have is on the V8, which is a TANK of a stick. Super heavy.

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What is the lowest lie that CCM offers? I think it is stupid that more companies don't offer lower lies.

haha, I think it's stupid companies don't offer higher lies. My favorite part of my v120c was that the bonk had a lie of 7

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