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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno Dual-Fit

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Can someone explain this concept to the CBers?

Speaking of the DF, has anyone tried it? I wonder how the two kickpoints effect each other.

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I've flipped a tapered stick and put a blade in the handle end. I like the feel of the tapered handle, but the taper at the top does flex a little odd. Not that it overly affects your shot, but just feels different. I'd be interested in seeing how the DF feels.

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Wouldn't it take away from your shot if you had a kick point at the top to? If you cut it at all, it wouldn't work out great, would it?

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Generally I need a plug, so trying to find a tapered plug would be a pain. When shooting I push with my bottom hand and pull with my top and I can feel some "normal" shafts flex, I can't imagine what a stick that's engineered to flex will feel like.

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why would it take away from your shot? all its doing is flexing at i higher point in the shaft. my true one shaft witch i flipped upside down and put in a z-carbon has more kick than ive ever used.....im not sure it that a mental thing or just the way the stick works with the kick piont on the top hand


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why would it take away from your shot? all its doing is flexing at i higher point in the shaft. my true one shaft witch i flipped upside down and put in a z-carbon has more kick than ive ever used.....im not sure it that a mental thing or just the way the stick works with the kick piont on the top hand


It won't just flex at a higher point, it will flex two different places. Now, the top won't flex nearly as much as the bottom, but you'll feel a difference.

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Guest 2048
How do we know it's not a regular 1100 anyways. Anything will work if you believe it.

From what I remember, the top is tapered to accept blades once you break off the regular blade. Not positive b/c I wasn't able to find the dual fit inno anywhere.

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I almost sure it was standard at the top. It would be pretty cool if it wasn't. Think about it though, if it was tapered, and someone needed to cut even an inch off, it mess it up. The add said to either somehow remove the broken blade and use it as a tapered shaft, or flip it over and use it as a standard shaft.

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