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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Happy Birthday MissConduct!

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happy b-day!!!

did u get yourself or did anyone get you anything hockey?

actually i got 2 jerseys (1 windsor spitfires (PHOTO) & st michaels majors) hehehe.. and a maple leafs long sleeve -t- :D

Happy Birthday!

Hope you are doing something fun tonight.... hell, go for the week. I like the idea of B-day WEEK.

take me about a week to fight this damn cold :( doing my best tho.. thanks guys/gals

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Mich is very easy to please...I gave her a tapered blade once and her eyes lit up...looked like a little kid at Xmas :)

Thats not what Netminder said. :P

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happy b-day!!!

did u get yourself or did anyone get you anything hockey?

actually i got 2 jerseys (1 windsor spitfires (PHOTO) & st michaels majors) hehehe.. and a maple leafs long sleeve -t- :D

Happy Birthday!

Hope you are doing something fun tonight.... hell, go for the week. I like the idea of B-day WEEK.

take me about a week to fight this damn cold :( doing my best tho.. thanks guys/gals

Ehhh...I liked the older Spits one. Any of those floating around?

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