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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do you clock a showboat?

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A couple years ago, we were beating-up on a team from Michigan pretty bad (the name of the city escapes me now) - we were up something like five or six to nothing with a couple minutes left. As things usually do in a blow-out, things started getting a little chippy.

One of my teammates had just been hacked pretty badly and had to leave the game (we later found out that he had a fractured bone in his wrist). I was pissed-off and looking to rub-it-in a little bit.

I remember we were on the power play when I picked-up puck behind our own net and started the rush up-ice. When I got to my own blue-line, I cut back across and then in on goal.

Now, I didn't want to blow the shut-out, so I did go easy when I took a little snapper from the top of the circle that my surprised goalie had to fight off into the corner with his blocker.

I went back and got the puck and took control of the puck again. I got to about the hash-marks along the half-boards when I was forced to make a pass because one of the guys on the other team was coming at me full speed. He ran me pretty good, gave me the mother of all cross-checks, and then all Hell broke loose...

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I can't help but think that some of the people posting in this thread are the type of people who would try and score a goal between their legs or pull a Michigan or some other type of crap in the last minute of a game that you have in control.

What is the point? To show the other team how hard you've been working on your stick time?

I think that if you have a nice hard game between two good teams that you don't have to go and show someone up by trying to score a 4th goal with a circus stunt goal.

If I was on the rink would I have gone over and full on bitch slapped him? Probably not... my pride most likely would've made me go over and turn it into a little push and shove fest to show my dissatisfaction. I normally play hard but clean but shit like that can really piss me off.

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Not much is worth fighting over for in a rec league and certainly not that. I'd be all right slashing the stick out of his hands but not fighting.


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Ten years ago there was a good chance I would run a showboater. Now as I have entered the beer leagues and the real world all the stuff that happens is just not worth it anymore.

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Yeah its a rec league, but there is no reason for showboating like that. Fighting is not the answer, but I think that its ok the next time he tries it(because he will) to put him on his butt, let him know that it will not be tolerated.

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So we're down 7-4 with under two minutes left in the game and some douche tries to go between his legs on a shot.

Do you think this is worthy of an ass kicking, even in a rec league?

No. Don't be a jackass.

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Showboating would have been if he went between his legs, scored, and then proceeded to celebrate like it was an OT winner in the Stanley Cup finals.

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the person who does it in a tight game gets the accolades..when you are doing against a team you are killing its being a douche'

don't fight..just slash their pricey OPS in half the next time you're out against them

Exactly, but if he hits you in the back in front of you own goal, after the whistle...then it's go time!!


Did I say that?!?!LOL

I'm just getting caught up in this thread...I thought all hell was going to break loose when Ms Doc smacked the other brother!! of course Steve sounding off is the biggest crock ever, biggest hack in the league!

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I thought all hell was going to break loose when Ms Doc smacked the other brother!!

Me too. I tried to escalate it a bit.

of course Steve sounding off is the biggest crock ever, biggest hack in the league!

I agree. Only thing worse than Steve's hackfests, is his mouth. and he refs...

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It may be because I am apart off a younger generation, but I honestly think that shooting between the legs on an 1-0 is an acceptable move. The main goal on a penalty shot or breakaway is to get the puck in the net. I dont think the shot through the legs is anything fancy, rather I think it just shows shooting dynamics. I would feel a lot more angry is some tryed to pull datsyuk's (sp) back hand heel drag.

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depends... if he does it in a tight situation, could be that was the only option...

if he does it without anyone around, deck him.

similar situation a few months ago when I was playing in a indoor soccer league. We were down by a huge margin (new team, our 3-4 game together) and the other team started to showboat. I mean the whole team started thinking they were Ronaldhinho... one huge clip to the shin almost got me yellow carded, but I felt that that team shouldnt have done that.

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There aren't many teams around anymore that won't run up the score, so if your getting hammerd use it as practice, close them down and don't let them play their game. Just because you giving them chances to do things like that doesn't mean you can cheapshot them (in my books anyway)

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Ask yourself this. Who the bigger tool, the guy who showboats in a rec league blowout, or the guy that decks him for it?

personally...my vote goes to the guy who showboats in a rec league blowout.

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It would seem even in a close-ish game that something like this is still frowned upon. My brother had a game this weekend and was coming in on net with some ape hanging over his arms. He couldn't move them in front of him so my brother let the puck stay between his legs and Lemieux'd a shot on net between his legs. He hit the tendy's mask and the ape smothered him into the corner where my brother pulled a Charlie Conway and laid there like a fish.

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If it's the only move you have then so be it.

If it's a close game and you're trying to catch someone off guard, I have no problem with that either.

What I have an issue with is a league where you're playing for fun and pride and having someone come out and try and pull a circus move off with under a minute left and winning by 3. There is no use for it except to embarrass the team you're playing against.

If I was on the floor instead of on the bench with a broken frame I probably would've gone over and shoved him or talked to him in some colorful language letting him know his move wasn't very appreciated.

In the 12 years I've played hockey I don't think I've thrown a full on punch so maybe the subject line was a little off.

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What was the guy supposed to do? Skate back to his end and shoot it on his own goalie to even things out for you guys?

The thing is, he tried to score. That's it. I don't see the big problem in trying that stuff on a breakaway when you're up 3 goals. If you do, don't give up the scoring chance then. Maybe you wouldn't have been down by 3 goals if you didn't give up such golden chances in the first place (you need SOME time and space to pull that move off). Besides, the "between the legs move" is still just a move, like any other you'd try out on a goalie.

The only point where I say it's okay to deck a player is if he acted like he won the Stanley Cup after he scores in a blowout. THAT's when you know he's trying to embarass you, and that's the green light to take it to him: you know he's being a douche. If he just scored and skated away with his head down or something, then hitting him just proves how much of a douche YOU are.

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Fighting in a beer league is like running in the special olympics, even if you win you're still retarded. :D

thats a terrible 1st post.

you really shoudltn say that!!!

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thats a terrible 1st post.

you really shoudltn say that!!!

Well you're welcome to your opinion. Fighting over rec league hockey is stupid. You're supposed to be having fun, if you take it seriously enough that you want to fight someone over rec league hockey you need a priority check.

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