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Saprykin pro stock curve LH

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I was looking for Saprykin's pro-stock curve. My research (using search and photos) has me believing it is a deep toe curve. EWH has a pic of a Saprykin pro stock Warrior Dolo but the curve looks like almost a heel or mid curve.

I was wondering if anybody had a pic of the curve from a pro stock Saprykin from EWH or Hockeymonkey (or anywhere else).

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last curve i seen of him was a toe curve something like a kovalchuk pro but a LH and not as deep.

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Sorry it took so long to get pics, but here they are:




As I mentioned in the other thread.. They're two different curves, but the blade pattern/lie/profile is identical. One has weaved blade, the other is checkerboard. The overall profile is close to a retail Smyth.

My theory is that Saprykin went to Warrior and told them to make him a pattern for if he goes to Europe, and one for if he stays in the NHL.

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i just got rid of a saprykin dolo prostock... unmistakable nasty toe curve... i dont know anything about any of his prior sticks though so i cant say if its the same or different. the stick i had was from jason at ewh. curve was nice but i couldn't deal with his grip. it's pretty much the old coarse inno grip... not my thing...

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ya i actually noticed that in your pics... i still have pics of mine:



you can see the toe pretty nice on the curve pic. doesnt look quite so open in person... as for the grip you can kinda see the dull finish in the pic as opposed to the glossy finish on most sticks... its like sandpaper... not sure if he didn't like it or if he's changed or it was just an experiment...

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Sorry it took so long to get pics, but here they are:




As I mentioned in the other thread.. They're two different curves, but the blade pattern/lie/profile is identical. One has weaved blade, the other is checkerboard. The overall profile is close to a retail Smyth.

My theory is that Saprykin went to Warrior and told them to make him a pattern for if he goes to Europe, and one for if he stays in the NHL.

those are beauty curves, do they come in righty?

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Sorry it took so long to get pics, but here they are:




As I mentioned in the other thread.. They're two different curves, but the blade pattern/lie/profile is identical. One has weaved blade, the other is checkerboard. The overall profile is close to a retail Smyth.

My theory is that Saprykin went to Warrior and told them to make him a pattern for if he goes to Europe, and one for if he stays in the NHL.

those are beauty curves, do they come in righty?

Maybe a Kovalchuk? Though that'll probably be a 100 flex (Saprykins are 80).

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