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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i forget where but i remeber a chara/gionta picture surfacing somewhere. thats a height difference!

or how about this

I think that was in a sports Illustrated from last year

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yeah me either.....but chara is one tall dude....i went to a boston/NY isles preseason game in halifax.....he wasnt playing that game and i seen him by some guards....FREAKIN TALL!!!! he looks really really tall and even not on skates he looks taller than on TV......and chris neil is slimming down alot too......

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The Hockey News had a cover shot years ago when Chara was with the Islanders. He was standing back to back with Ziggy Palffy. It was pretty funny as well.I'll post it If I can locate it.

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I wonder if Chara was born in the US would he have played hockey. My guess he would be forced into basketball or football.

I remeber reading in the Hockey News a few yrs back that, he was actually told by allot of ppl back home in Slovakia to not bother with hockey and take up Basketball or Volleyball instead. Obviously though he told them where to go.

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im 6'5 and a there are a few guys i play with who are barely over the 5'4 mark, its funny when we're on together.

i met eric lindros once, and this was back when he was the biggest dude in the nhl, and i was like 16.. and i was bigger than he was.. but as far as SIZE goes, i was half of him.

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