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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whos got the upper hand in the upcoming election

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I'm against legalization, mostly because of the impossibility of enforcement and the flow of federal dollars that would invariably flow to treat all of the new addicts. As for what has happened during his term, how much of it is of his own making?

Many of the problems in Iraq are due to the fact he selected Rumsfeld and ignored more experienced military men and their preferred methodology.

As for giving money to christian causes, many of those funds have not gone to soup kitchens, homeless shelters or things that truely benefit the community. Too many churches are social clubs that have a tax free status and do little to benefit the communities around them. To reward that is wrong. As for beating on christianity, I have yet to see a synagogue or a mosque with a McDonald's or dry cleaner in it. Some of the "mega-churches" as well as other congregations are losing the big picture message.

I also use the term christian because there are extremists from many of the faiths. I still consider my self to be one and I certainly don't mean all of them.

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I'm against legalization, mostly because of the impossibility of enforcement and the flow of federal dollars that would invariably flow to treat all of the new addicts. As for what has happened during his term, how much of it is of his own making?

Many of the problems in Iraq are due to the fact he selected Rumsfeld and ignored more experienced military men and their preferred methodology.

As for giving money to christian causes, many of those funds have not gone to soup kitchens, homeless shelters or things that truely benefit the community. Too many churches are social clubs that have a tax free status and do little to benefit the communities around them. To reward that is wrong. As for beating on christianity, I have yet to see a synagogue or a mosque with a McDonald's or dry cleaner in it. Some of the "mega-churches" as well as other congregations are losing the big picture message.

I also use the term christian because there are extremists from many of the faiths. I still consider my self to be one and I certainly don't mean all of them.

I don't wanna look like a pot head here or anything but, i think the legalization of marijuana would be alright. And you saying that government money would be going to help new addicts is not correct at all. Marijuana is less addicting than coffee.If it were legalized then people wouldn't be buying marijuana laced with crystal meth.

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As for what has happened during his term, how much of it is of his own making?

wait a minute, you're blaming 9/11 and the economic collapse on his own doing??? come on Chadd, I know you're not crazy! I'm not going to defend bush for everything he's done but certainly we can't pin that on him.

As for giving money to christian causes, many of those funds have not gone to soup kitchens, homeless shelters or things that truely benefit the community. Too many churches are social clubs that have a tax free status and do little to benefit the communities around them. To reward that is wrong. As for beating on christianity, I have yet to see a synagogue or a mosque with a McDonald's or dry cleaner in it. Some of the "mega-churches" as well as other congregations are losing the big picture message.

I have yet to see a church with a McDonalds or a dry cleaner in it... while I agree that there are some "churches" like you state, I'm thinking they're the vast minority. Of course I can only speak for myself. There are some that have lost the big picture, but you shouldn't punish the grass roots churches that can barely maintain their own congregation and want to contribute to their community just because Buddy "big bucks house of da Lode" church is in the wrong. But I digress, church is just a building and anyone that knows a lick about faith should know that... but as with any government sponsored program things can and will go wrong. Of course that works for everything.. (environmental regulation, civil issues, social programs, educational funding, welfare). The people that argue against faith based funding would be more than happy to spend that money on all of the above even though the same problems would plague those institutions as well... the only solution is.. well, capitalism.

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You left out one group he is giving money to, I am a firefighter and I work another job every available work hour. Since Bush got in office it is the first time I get money back in the form of a check for my children. I dont know who else gets it, but it is the first time we get anything from the government except a tax form to fill out. My wife works also and this money pays for the kids hockey. Is it because we are married and work and raise our kids, I dont know but it is the first time we get back and its a big help for a couple that works hard (3 jobs between us). When in the checkout line watching the people on welfare buy 2 carts full of the best cuts of meat and we buy ground because that is what we can afford. I remember Clinton getting in saying he would reform healthcare, he put Hillary on it. Two terms and still no reform. I respect results and actions other than getting hummers in the white house or (Kerry) changing his vote (or his word or lack thereof) on legislation every time you turn around. Just another view. I still dont know what you mean about Haliburton.

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You left out one group he is giving money to, I am a firefighter and I work another job every available work hour. Since Bush got in office it is the first time I get money back in the form of a check for my children. I dont know who else gets it, but it is the first time we get anything from the government except a tax form to fill out. My wife works also and this money pays for the kids hockey. Is it because we are married and work and raise our kids, I dont know but it is the first time we get back and its a big help for a couple that works hard (3 jobs between us). When in the checkout line watching the people on welfare buy 2 carts full of the best cuts of meat and we buy ground because that is what we can afford. I remember Clinton getting in saying he would reform healthcare, he put Hillary on it. Two terms and still no reform. I respect results and actions other than getting hummers in the white house or (Kerry) changing his vote (or his word or lack thereof) on legislation every time you turn around. Just another view. I still dont know what you mean about Haliburton.

You might get more money back from the Feds, but if you live in a state like mine. You are giving a lot more back to the state. I think every fee has increased Gas tax, license, Sales tax. Property tax. etc. etc. It comes in one pocket and back out another pocket.

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Geki, I am by no means laying teh blame for 9/11 on Bush. However Afganistan and Iraq were of his own doing. It was also his belief in Rumsfeld that has caused those situations to be more difficult than they could have been.

There are several churches in this area that offer other services, dry cleaning being one of them. They also proudly proclaim that it's tax free for the customer. My problem is giving tax dollars to churches when many of the larger churches buy political ads yet pay no taxes at all. I have no problems with money going to a homeless shelter run by a church or soup kitchen run by nuns, I think that's commendable and in the true christian spirit. Helping those less fortunate is, in my mind, what they should be about. Hosting a campaign dinner at $500 a plate for someone who is going to vote on them getting federal dollars, is not.


Bill Clinton's big plans for Health care, social security and welfare never really happened. The one major reform to welfare was something he disagreed with but signed anyway. Very few of his ideals became law and that's good. Haliburton, where Cheney was CEO prior to election, was given billions of dollars in Iraqi contracts without being placed for bid. They were included in the energy talks that congress has been so eager to hear about and get in public. In fact, it's actually in teh minutes of company meetings that they wanted to get a person elected to the vice presidency so they could influence policy without getting blamed on the back side.

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I don't want to get too involved in this but private charities do far more good for people than public ones. Why? Because they can regulate what happens. They can require people who they help to become sober, to apply for jobs, to help themselves, rather than government programs which give without requiring anything. Look at St. Vincent de Paul. That program has probably done more for the needy in America than any government program ever has. However, I do see how giving money to churches could be a problem in instances like you've listed Chadd.

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The problem is each senator or representative will want the money to go to groups that support him/her. I'd love to see groups like the Catholic church do more to benefit the needy than they do now.

As an aside, I enjoy debating these topics with those of you who are able to be literate and intelligent while not taking offense when someone disagrees with you.

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The Catholic church has so many internal problems right now that need to be fixed that focusing their efforts stictly on outside projects isn't their #1 priority.

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Our government is no longer for the people, by the people. It is for corporations by corporations. Our politicians and laws are bought and paid for by giant companies and their loads of lobbyists more then ever before and with the current administration it's spiraling more out of control then ever. We can't keep spending money like we are while giving loads to megacorp so their CEOs can throw $$$ parties and rob their employees savings. I'm sick of the government being run like a country club. As for blaming Bush for 9/11 and Iraq, and everything else. Hell yeah, I blame him. He's the president and it was his job to know and do something about it. He's the one in charge and it's his responsibility to surround himself with the right people to help him get that job done. Period. And before you start accusing me of being some leftist democrat, I don't have an ounce of faith in them either but right now they don't infuriate me anywhere near as much as that imbecile GWB does. There it is. I've made my political feelings known on the board just like I swore I'd never do. Are you all happy now? :lol:

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The Catholic church has so many internal problems right now that need to be fixed that focusing their efforts stictly on outside projects isn't their #1 priority.

Their problems aren't new. They feel they are a law unto themselves and nobody has the right to judge them other than God. As long as they focus on politics and making decrees rather than helping the average person they will continue to have problems.

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Amazing how in time some folks have not figured out that politics and religion DONT MIX!

See the rise and fall of Rome.

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Too bad this photo isn't on the front page of every newspaper

Check out this website. It show some positive things about Bush, something that never appears in the papers or on the nightly news.

By no means has Bush done everything right, he's made mistakes like every other human. The problem is bad news gets good ratings. Im tired of always hearing about nothing besides murder and rape and arrests on the news everyday. I feel depressed after I watch the news. For every bad thing the makes the news about Bush I bet there are 1000 good things he did that go unnoticed. I bet if you talked to some of the firefighters who met Bush after 9-11 your views might change. Im not big in politics, but I do know a bit.

As far as Kerry goes I don't know anything about him besides what the media says so im not going to base my opinon of him on that.

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Too bad this photo isn't on the front page of every newspaper

Check out this website. It show some positive things about Bush, something that never appears in the papers or on the nightly news.

By no means has Bush done everything right, he's made mistakes like every other human. The problem is bad news gets good ratings. Im tired of always hearing about nothing besides murder and rape and arrests on the news everyday. I feel depressed after I watch the news. For every bad thing the makes the news about Bush I bet there are 1000 good things he did that go unnoticed. I bet if you talked to some of the firefighters who met Bush after 9-11 your views might change. Im not big in politics, but I do know a bit.

As far as Kerry goes I don't know anything about him besides what the media says so im not going to base my opinon of him on that.

I totally agree.

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As for Haliburton, I thought I remember hearing/reading that despite all the problems there have been with Haliburton, that they got the contracts b/c they were the only company capable of handling such contracts. I don't remember too much about it but I think it was something along those lines and also that at the heart of it, it was little known by most that they were actually the only ones capable.

I also think it is too simplistic to say that Bush is President, therefore he should have known about 9/11 and therefore it's his fault. National Security and the Inteligence community doesn't quite work like that.

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As far as Kerry goes I don't know anything about him besides what the media says so im not going to base my opinon of him on that.

But you do know Bush personally and not through the media?


I don't think he's evil, I just think he's a bad president. I will say this though, notice that he's looking directly at the camera in the picture. That's incredibly convenient.

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I've read that story before but it was a different article. I want to say that the picture was taken by the dad or some other amatuer photographer as all of the other photographers had left already. Then again, it was obviously a pro-Bush article, so take it for what its worth.

EDIT: Found the link- http://www.washingtondispatch.com/opinion/article_9003.shtml

Mr. Faulkner had his Kodak digital camera with him and debated on invading this very private moment between his daughter and the leader of the free world.  “For 20-30 seconds the president belonged exclusively to Ashley,†Lynn Faulkner told me.  So he decided to capture the moment without invading Ashley and the president’s privacy.  He held up his digital camera, not even aiming with his eye and with one click snapped just one picture...It’s the only photo of this special embrace as the press corps had already been ushered back on the bus.  And the photo was never meant for publication.

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I wanna address the marijuana issue real quick which was glanced over. The reason why it will never be legalized is because there is no clear way to test how much marijuana has been smoked or to find the potancy of the plant. Case in point, if someone who has been smoking was pulled over, there would be no REAL accurate way to find out just how doped up the person is.

My feelings on Bush is that we dont really hear all of the good things that he does and I dont believe we really hear how much the people in Iraq are happy to have us there. Just my two cents.

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The biggest thing we need to take into account when speaking of our current administration is the following. What is the worlds perception of the US right now? Right or wrong the perception is very bad and the President is in fact responsible for this. This is not just in the Middle East but everywhere.

My biggest issue is in this area. Right now we are looking at least 10 years of work to change this. This perception is fact. Bush is responsible for this perception.

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Sometimes I just wish I was from Canada.........No, wait, what am I saying! kidding kidding kidding!!!!

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Oh, do tell...

I wanna hear this.

PRobably as bad as the two old ladies me and my boy could've picked up at the pub one night. We knew the bartender and he told them we played hockey and they thought we were pros... That was funny shit...what was funnier is that my boy wanted to go home with her!

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The biggest thing we need to take into account when speaking of our current administration is the following.  What is the worlds perception of the US right now?  Right or wrong the perception is very bad and the President is in fact responsible for this.

That's total BS. The worlds perception of *US* (we the US citizens) has been around long before Bush. Bush hasn't changed anyone in the worlds "perception" of us, he may have reinforced it... Everyone else in the world has a real problem with the US and always will, mainly because they're NOT the US. Believe it. If you believe the world's opinion of the US has changed because of Bush, you're quite naive.

It's easy for the world to point fingers at the big guy (US)... and it's "ok" to point fingers at the big guy, because, well, they *aren't* the big guy and we all agree on that...

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Not as exciting as it might sound. I was in Denver and Ponty and I were able to catch the Avs/Kings game. As I am from LA and used to work for the Kings it was great to see. At one point we were talking about the Bertuzzi incident and this old lady of probably 60-70 sitting in front of us didn't like what I was saying. Well, later on in the game Avery got taken out by someone on the Avs and this lady looked back at me with the most evil, vengeful, contemptuous look, kinda like saying, "look he got what he deserved and so will you!!!!". Very scary.

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