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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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deeper boot?

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Just curious.... any skate boots deeper, and have a little more volume than the RBK 9K Pump. I realized that when I tie my skates up pretty tight, I have a lot of the tongue bulging up.. which bugs my feet. Maybe a deeper boot would help? I dunno... I'm ready to try anything at this point.

So yeah, I'm open to suggestions... like I said, a deeper/moroe volume boot, and preferably a stiffer boot.

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Graf 709?

Excellent, thanks.. I might head out tomorrow to possibly look around. How is Graf in regards to pitch, radius? If I remember right.. Graf have a more aggressive forward lean than the RBK, right?

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8090s if you can find them. IMO the best skate Bauer has ever released.

I've looked everywhere... my uncle swears by the pairs he's had... no dice in my size/width

How close in depth/width are the Supreme70's?

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Graf G9 is a very deep stiff boot

so from what I've gathered basically, anything ending in "9" from Graf is the same cut, right? ie: 709, 609, G9?

I'm going to check out a few models today... the G9 looks awesome, but it's a little out of my price range... seeing I'll have to eat a bit of a loss on a pair of 9K Pumps I just bought.

I was also curious.... if I am actually the same size in a Graf, would the holder size be the same as my RBK? Say, if I wanted to put the EPro holder on them?

Thanks again everyone.

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Not sure about 609 but709 should be similar and I am guessing,higher end.They are expensive but they are tanks.The "skate experts" here will know all about the holders.

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the holders should be close, if not the same. Just check the number on the holder on your rbks before you go in to try on the grafs. When you find the one that fits, flip it over and see if it's the same. If it is, you should have no trouble swapping them.

I'd still give the cobra a chance before swapping though, as I've heard many rave reviews on 'em.

You're right about all the Grafs ending in 9 having the same cut. 709 and G9 are pro-level skates. G9 has stiffer/lighter materials, but the 7 series is just a classic, no frills hockey boot. Can't go wrong with either of these. I've read somewhere that Graf stopped selling the 5/6 series of skates here in the states, but I honestly don't know how much truth there is to that.

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8090s if you can find them. IMO the best skate Bauer has ever released.

I've looked everywhere... my uncle swears by the pairs he's had... no dice in my size/width

How close in depth/width are the Supreme70's?

What size are you looking for in the 8090?

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well, I went to my LHS today to try on as many skates as I needed to, to get my current issues resolved. I'm trying to kill 2 birds with one stone.... 1) the lack of depth in my RBK boot killing me, and 2) the odd mysterious turning of my foot inside the skate (the top of my foot toward my toes turns outward, pressing against the outside edge of my boot, leaving my foot not parallel to my runner)...

Hoping for a better fitting skate... My lhs did not have any Graf model we've all discussed. They did however have the G35 (sans-TBlades)in my size, and on clearance (pricing them online, it's a steal too)... fit great, the depth issue was certainly resolved, as I got a decent 'wrap' around the top of my foot. But I noticed the runner was still slighty turned... leaving me to believe that's just the anatomics of my shitty body.. haha.

The salesman offered up the Supreme One90 as a resolution. Now I've tried this before- ended up a half size too big... and went through a fiasco ordering them from another lhs... it left me throwing my hands up in the air, and going with a pair of RBKs... I tried on a 7D in the One90, so he could assure it was the right length.. it fit well, and oddly enough... the top of my foot didn't bulge out when I laced them up and tied them like they do on my RBKs... nor was the 7D that uncomfortable...

I also tried on the Easton Synergy 900... and my foot just didn't feel right in it... oddly enough. They did have the 1200C, and 1500C in stock... just not in my size, or anything close to it. And the Mission Fuel 110XP....um, ouch was all I could think of to describe how I felt in them.

so as of right now, I have the G35's on hold, and they are pulling a 7EE One90, a 1200C, and a 1500C from another store... I should be back by week's end to sit down and look at them all

man is this stuff tedious... but thanks to you guys, I at least have some food for thought.

Any feedback on the G35? (I'm going to check the reviews section for it as soon as I'm done typing my novel of a response)

8090s if you can find them. IMO the best skate Bauer has ever released.

I've looked everywhere... my uncle swears by the pairs he's had... no dice in my size/width

How close in depth/width are the Supreme70's?

What size are you looking for in the 8090?

I was thinking an 8EE... I tried on a 7.5EE before, and it didn't feel so hot.. I was sized as an 8 in Vapor XXX's (difference in the 2, I'm sure.. but anyways)

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sorry to bring one up from the dead here but, what are some deeper boots? s15? graf supra G5, vapor xxxx? rbk 9k? any of them will the one95 be a deeper boot? any of those deeper then a bauer vapor 8 from last year? or any vapor i guess cause there probably all the same

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sorry to bring one up from the dead here but, what are some deeper boots? s15? graf supra G5, vapor xxxx? rbk 9k? any of them will the one95 be a deeper boot? any of those deeper then a bauer vapor 8 from last year? or any vapor i guess cause there probably all the same

well for all it's worth, Flexlites were the answer to all my problems.

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graf 709/g9/ultrag70 are their deepest boots. They'll all be significantly deeper than a 705/G5, which is their "standard" fit boot that is supposed to fit something like 70% of people's feet.

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So are the flexlites deeper than the old v12? I know a bunch of people were touting it as one of the deepest skates ever (v12) but I could barely get the stinking laces to close over my mid foot. I was supposed to test the flex for nike/bauer but they never came through on a prototype for me. I never got to try on a 709 either which I regret. I've been skating on 8090's for a bit now which seem to be ok, but even they are snug on the top of my foot.

My foot is a "bit" out of the norm (as many here know). My arches are so high that the middle of my foot doesn't even touch the ground in the water test... :blink:

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You, me and Law Goalie in the same boat...

I'm in 8090's now, have tried the G70's and flexlites...

As far as depth, they all are pretty close. G70's were the deepest for me (barely), but the 8090's fit better for me in other areas (width, toe cap, heel). The flexlites were similiar to the 8090's, but were cut to high for my liking (plus I couldn't justify hanging on to 3 pair of skates, so I unloaded them on Ebay). I put an old pair of comfy felt tongues off of my old CCM's on the 8090's which has helped a ton as far as the lace bite issue.

Law goalie has been able to confirm that the 709/G9 is deeper than the G70...

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I'll show you what I had to do to the toes of my Flexlites. First time in a year I've put on a boot without pain in the toe-box, but looks like a bomb went off in there. I'll get some pictures before I bolt them into the cowlings.

They're not deep enough, but re-laced, they're better than nothing. They'll hold me over the season until I can get my customs in.

I agree that the tongue (quite similar to the 8090's) is a piece of crap. I may stick my Daoust tongue in, but I may also be too lazy.

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