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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ummm whats this?

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Those are basically Vapor V's with a Nike Swoosh in place of the Vapor roman numeral markings. I've seen them for sale at Canadian Tire.

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Reaper has it right; those are Canadian Tire SMU. No pro wears those.

Reaper has it right; those are Canadian Tire SMU. No pro wears those.

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Crappy Tire gets very interesting SMUs. Worth a visit just to figure out what bastardized equipment is on the shelves. Not bad for low-end gear, but even a middle intermediate player may want to keep walking. Best stuff I ever saw there was Bauer 6000 protective...obviously far from top of the line.

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Most of the stuff there sucks except for a pair of nylon Easton "reflex" gloves i bought that were pretty nice. The woodies are sometimes on sale for really cheap too

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I have these gloves and u cant feel ur stick with theme. There good starter gloves and they look pretty cool but i wouldent recomend theme to older people.

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