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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Smokin' Aces

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So has anyone seen this? Not bad, but definitely not original and not what it's sold as in the trailers. Rip Reed and the Tremor Brothers were the best parts about it but it was nice seeing Affleck have a very short amount of screen time.

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I couldn't help it, but I just busted up laughing at the last scene with the final Tremor Brother on the roof parking lot.

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saw it twice and loved it. as previously mentioned, it wasn't very original, but with each movie, originality is becoming more scarce. was definitely a solid flick...reminded me of a cross between snatch and sin city for some reason, plus alicia keys was dynamite in the booty shorts and fishnet stockings!

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No kidding, I've never minded her as a musician but never thought she was attractive. It's amazing what a hooker get-up will do to one's opinion though.

Twice already eh? Some things in the movie bug me almost enough to see it again but I'm going to chalk them up to being plot holes as this did have its fair share.

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