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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the travler

goal skate hollow

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i usually get a 5/8 but when my friend works there i get a 5/8 and then a 3/8 at the beggening of the blade so that it is easier to push, i haven't been doing it latly because i got some overdrive blades

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i usually get a 5/8 but when my friend works there i get a 5/8 and then a 3/8 at the beggening of the blade so that it is easier to push, i haven't been doing it latly because i got some overdrive blades

thats interesting.

you are selling me on these overdrive blades man.


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standard is 1" at most places. I like mine at 3/4"

btw make sure your league allows overdrive blades before you get them.

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With hollows, lower numbers mean deeper hollows and more bite. so the 3/16 gives the most bite, and the 5/8 will give the least bite, and will be easier to slide with.

If i'm not mistaken, a deeper hollow is more prone to dull quickly as the edges arent as thick as the edges on a shallower hollow. (the 5/8" will dull quicker than say, 1")

There are quite a few good threads on skate hollow (aka radius of hollow) some of which have diagrams to show the differences in hollow. When strictly speaking about the hollow and in terms of what different hollows offer, the info is pretty much the same for players and goalies. The difference is in the way we use the blades.

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most bfly style goalies have recognized better maneuverability with super deep hollows. The only problem with deep hollows is the edges break and wear quickly. Think of a finely sharpened pencil and how easy the point snaps, well a deep hollow creates an edge kind of like that pencil. So while a pro like Kiprissoff can use 1/4, it's prob not practical for the average Joe goalie who doen't get free sharpenings from the equipment manager. You would be sharpening very frequently and be replacing your cowlings in short order, especially on non-stainless blades. If you have money to burn then definately use the deeper hollows, they do improve performance.

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i find that the deeper i go, the more i stick in the cuts in the ice in the crease when i go post to post(did that make sense?)i skated at 1/2 for years and then went to an inch and loved it but then i got a job where i can do it myself so i figured id experiment since it is free. after tring 3/8 and 7/16, ive settled on 7/8 and i love it.

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