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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Question, opinions

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Hello, I am looking at getting a new pair of skates from NikeBauer, and I am stuck between the One90 and the Vapor XXXX, which I am able to get right now, even though I think they don't come out until June. Price is not a factor, I am just wondering what is the better skate? Which lasts longer? I know the One90 is the lighter of the two, but I was wondering the XXXX weight. I am currently in the XXX's but they are now starting to show their wear and tear and need to be replaced. Anything anyone has heard on comparing the two skates would be greatly appreciated. Any additional information would be great!

Thanks alot, hope to hear from many of you soon

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well since you need the skates asap and the xxxx's are coming out in june i guess you only option would be one90's

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well since you need the skates asap and the xxxx's are coming out in june i guess you only option would be one90's

He said that he is able to get them now.

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thats right, im able to get them right now...i also was talking to someone and heard that the one90 is not as longlasting or durable because of how it shapes to your foot, correct?

I am looking for a performance skate, and ive narrowed it down to these two, just looking to hear what others have heard on both models.

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...i also was talking to someone and heard that the one90 is not as longlasting or durable because of how it shapes to your foot, correct?

Have never heard this before. Intuitively, one could build a case that the zero negative space of the one90 should make it MORE durable than a traditionally fitting skate, simply because there is less slop in the boot.

Our experience has been the 0ne90 is very durable - my daughter skates 5 or 6 times a week for 6 months now, and has used them on the unforgiving surface of a skating treadmill. Other than some surface scuffs and scratches (the darn treadmill) they are great.

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thanks for everyone's help. i decided, and i have picked up the XXXX's. thanks to those who took the time to respond.

please post comments and pics of your skates once you use them!!!

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Our experience has been the 0ne90 is very durable - my daughter skates 5 or 6 times a week for 6 months now, and has used them on the unforgiving surface of a skating treadmill. Other than some surface scuffs and scratches (the darn treadmill) they are great.

A skating treadmill? Probably my ignorance or lack of knowledge but what is that? Do you have a picture?

Sorry for derailing the thread I have never heard of such a thing.

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It's supposed to be really trying of your endurance.

That all depends on who you have drilling you. Most of my re-hab sessions on the treadmill have been relatively low-intensity. I had a coach, however, who used to have all the boys get on one once or twice a week and "skated" us until our legs damn near fell off our bodies.

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Thanks guys ... must have searched wrong. Very interesting to see. Doubt there will ever be one around here in the "hockey hotbed" of virginia.

Sorry to threadjack again, but Hockeysc23, do you play?

If so, myself and a couple of others over on the Caps official boards organize a monthly messageboard pickup.

If you are interested.

Next one is March 10th 1.30-3.30pm at piney orchard (caps old practice facility)

$20 a head and what we make over the cost of ice goes to a fund, we also organise a charity golf event for caps fans, for cancer research.

putcanceronice.org if you are interested.

Drop me a PM, or check out the caps boards for all the details


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I am looking for a performance skate, and ive narrowed it down to these two, just looking to hear what others have heard on both models.

the part that i find humorous about this thread is that you are asking for others opinions on "BOTH" models... you for some reason or another, which i really don't care, have the ability to get the XXXX early, which others won't yet you ask for people's opinion on the XXXX. sure, members have the One90's and they will gladly give you their opinion, but why ask about a skate that you know people don't have yet. i'm sorry, but to me this is merely a thread to let people know that you can get a skate before they can.

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I am looking for a performance skate, and ive narrowed it down to these two, just looking to hear what others have heard on both models.

the part that i find humorous about this thread is that you are asking for others opinions on "BOTH" models... you for some reason or another, which i really don't care, have the ability to get the XXXX early, which others won't yet you ask for people's opinion on the XXXX. sure, members have the One90's and they will gladly give you their opinion, but why ask about a skate that you know people don't have yet. i'm sorry, but to me this is merely a thread to let people know that you can get a skate before they can.

Agree...why go the NBH route anyway.

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I am looking for a performance skate, and ive narrowed it down to these two, just looking to hear what others have heard on both models.

the part that i find humorous about this thread is that you are asking for others opinions on "BOTH" models... you for some reason or another, which i really don't care, have the ability to get the XXXX early, which others won't yet you ask for people's opinion on the XXXX. sure, members have the One90's and they will gladly give you their opinion, but why ask about a skate that you know people don't have yet. i'm sorry, but to me this is merely a thread to let people know that you can get a skate before they can.

Agree...why go the NBH route anyway.

Keep your comments to yourself.

Violation of rule #1 -

1. If you don't have anything useful to add, don't say anything.

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