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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pens and Caps Equipment

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there is a lady who has had penguin tickets for years (around 20 years) and she has gotten a few game worn jerseys from the penguins shop that accidentally got mixed in with the regular jerseys

she always checks the tags to see if she can find them still - it may not happen often or at all lately - but i know it has happened in the past

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about crosby changing skates, i heard him give an interview, and he said he changes skates alot less than most other nhl players (like 2-3 times a season). its the same with his sticks, he plays with the same one till it breaks (a big reason why you can never find any pro stock crosby sticks). i heard the stick fact on a sports channel so dont know if its true.

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i wish i could get a hold of crosby's stick

and does anyone else notice that it seems to be russians who have wicked curves

Ovechkin, Malkin, Mogilny, etc...

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i wish i could get a hold of crosby's stick

and does anyone else notice that it seems to be russians who have wicked curves

Ovechkin, Malkin, Mogilny, etc...

It's usually just what you're brought up on. I guess in Europe wicked curves are sort of the norm. I also have to second the straight blade for passing and backhands. I've got a Kovalchuk dolomite and it's pretty much a straight blade with a wicked toe. lol I think I just contradicted my first point.

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Cherry was going off on Malkin & Ovi hanging out on Saturday during Coaches Corner. He was talking about the "good ole days" when you hated your opponents. You didn't hang out with them...especially not on a game day.

Not to high-jack the equip thread...but what do you guys think...? Are players too friendly with each other now? Does there need to be a little more hatred?

Hatred is a pretty strong word. I have been friends with players from other teams. But when you are on the ice the competition takes over and you get down to playing hockey as hard as you can. I have always used the term 'what happens on the ice, stays on the ice'. I say this because I have known many people who metamorphasize into a complete idiot on the ice and after the game they are the nicest people in the world. Therefore after the game players can resume being friends off the ice.

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pro stock, regular flex, i think hes toned it down a bit from that stick, judging by that pic of him and crosby

i noticed his stick at the all-star game, and it looked like it was a left hook. I have no idea how he shoots with that

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in response to the don cherry quote, if you watched that game ovechkin and malkin went after each other all game, there were some big hits exchanged.

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I read this on another forum, but someone brought up the notion that if it were Sundin and Roberts chumming it up before a game Cherry's opinion would have been the polar opposite.

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Cherry was going off on Malkin & Ovi hanging out on Saturday during Coaches Corner. He was talking about the "good ole days" when you hated your opponents. You didn't hang out with them...especially not on a game day.

Not to high-jack the equip thread...but what do you guys think...? Are players too friendly with each other now? Does there need to be a little more hatred?

Call me old-fashioned, but I always loved hating (and being hated by) my opponents. I would never dream of being friendly with an opponent if I bumped into him while at a restaurant, nevermind at the rink before a game. I grew-up hating certain organizations and the players who played for them, and they (players, coaches, managers, parents, etc.) didn't/don't like me much, either. I find it much easier to play the game when I don't like (or even hate) the people I'm trying to beat. I've never particularly enjoyed playing in All-Star Games for this reason - I don't like the "fake friendly" atmosphere in the dressing room, on the bench and on the ice.

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I never got that. Sure there were teams you absolutely hated due to a rivalry, but I had friends on those teams and could always hang out with them before and after. I figured people had those kinds of on/off switches.

That said, I've been run at enough from provocation-related incidents against people I absolutely couldn't stand, but meh.

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I really don't understand that thinking either. It's one thing to dislike a team but to dislike someone for no reason... Didn't we learn about this kind of stuff on the mighty ducks? ;)

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Well as someone said before, the NHL used to be all about the game of hockey and you were never friends with anyone who wasn't on your team. Now it's more of a business and the average player changes teams every 4 years so it's impossible to keep that kind of mentality.

P.S. We've gone way off topic.

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What retail Stick curve is Crosbys the closest to ????

A Forsburg maybe? It's almost a perfectly straight curve and that's all that comes to mind.

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