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rex grossman is the worst

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is it just me or could rex grossman seriously be the worst qb to start in a superbowl recently, if not ever. i think he may even be in the running for worst current starting qb. anyone else think orton should have played later in the game?

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I wouldn't say the worst because he does have flashes where he's good. He's just far too inconsistent and what makes it worse is when he's bad, he's really bad. He's still young though and realistically I can see the Bears coming back. He can't take all the blame because their vaunted D looked like a prag last night.

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  mack said:

I wouldn't say the worst because he does have flashes where he's good. He's just far too inconsistent and what makes it worse is when he's bad, he's really bad. He's still young though and realistically I can see the Bears coming back. He can't take all the blame because their vaunted D looked like a prag last night.

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It was a bad scheme on defense. They left the backs wide open all game long.

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It was something awful. I heard there'd actually be weather and thought that would help the Bears, but damn if they didn't let the Colts run where ever they wanted to. Sick thing is I bet Manning gets even better now that the monkey's off his back. Thanks, Chicago.

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one thing i must say though is that hester is amazing. running back the opening kickoff in the superbowl is huge. i mean he forced indy to kick short the rest of the game. he really coulda set the pace if his team couldve followed.

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  UMWhockey said:

dilfer couldn't make the plays that grossman could, but at least he didn't make the mistakes

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Grossman has more talent but makes more mistakes.

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  mack said:

He can't take all the blame because their vaunted D looked like a prag last night.

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That tends to happen when your defense is on the field for long stretches at a time and your offense goes 3 and out (or just flat out fumbles the first play after your defense gets a turnover. With the exception of some passes underneath and the mix-up on the Wayne TD, I thought the Bears defense did fine early on. They tired down in the second half though. That tends to happen with the time of possession is almost 2:1.

With the 5 turnovers from the offense, I think the defense did fine in only allowing 22 points.

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  mack said:

It's not like it was the first time they'd been abandoned by their offence and weren't used to it.

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I think the difference in doing that against the Cardinals compared to doing it against the Colts should be obvious.

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As should it be obvious that I'm not saying they've only been abandoned by their offence only once. It's nothing new to them and even without Harris in there I'd have never thought they'd be run over the way they were.

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  mack said:

As should it be obvious that I'm not saying they've only been abandoned by their offence only once. It's nothing new to them and even without Harris in there I'd have never thought they'd be run over the way they were.

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They beat the Bills with little offense, but they ran the ball well enough as time of possession was 38:22 in their favor. The defense also had 5 turnovers while the Bears only turned it over 1 time.

They beat the Cardinals with no offense. Grossman had 6 turnover himself and the time of possession was 20:40 against them. The difference in that game was that the Bears defense scored twice (not mentioning the special teams TD).

They beat the Jets with no offense, but ran the ball well. The Bears were slightly behind on time of possession 28:32. Also, the Bears offense had no turnovers.

They beat the Vikings with just 107 passing yards and being down 20:40 in time of possession. The difference there was that Brad Johnson tossed 4 INTs and the Bears scored a TD and a safety on defense (not mentioning the special teams TD).

The difference between these games and the one last night is.... these teams all suck (and that the defense put points on the board).

I really think that the Bears could've direct snapped it to Thomas Jones and come much closer to winning the game. Rex Grossman's performance was one of the worst I can remember. Although Kerry Collins was really bad too, but at least that was against a good defense.

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I agree that no one could expect their defence to win the game for them against this team, I just can't say it was all Grossman's fault. Not that it wasn't about 80% or more his fault, but I'm just saying. That toss that Sanders picked was easily the worst throw i've ever seen and I don't care if it was raining. Lovie Smith should be fired on the spot if Grossman's taking the first snap of '07.

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  Chadd said:
  UMWhockey said:

dilfer couldn't make the plays that grossman could, but at least he didn't make the mistakes

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Grossman has more talent but makes more mistakes.

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I have to disagree. After watching Dilfer "run" the Bucs offense for too many years I have to say that he made more mistakes than any quarterback in the history of the world. He wouldn't throw that many interceptions because most of his passes were out of the reach of anyone under 8' tall.

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but he didn't make too many in the run to the superbowl, which is what we are really talking about. I don't think any baltimore fans care too much about what he did with the bucs

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While Dilfer wasn't great in Tampa, he had two pretty good years for them. And I don't know why anyone would think Grossman had more talent. Does no one remember that Dilfer was a #6 overall pick. And he came out of college early.

He didn't play very well with the Ravens. They had a great running game and an incredible defense. So as long as he didn't make any mistakes, the team had an excellent shot at winning. The Bears could've used the same from Grossman, which is why I think Griese should've been the starter.

Since it was Rex's first full season, I bet he gets a shot next year. It's the last year of his contract. If he plays well, he'll get extended. If not, then Griese will take over and they'll take a QB in a decent draft next year or they'll see if Orton could be the answer.

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The only thing I'd add to Dilfer's draft comment is an asterisk because Shuler was the first QB taken that year.

Ravens-era Dilfer didn't win games for Baltimore but he didn't lose them. Grossman has to make the realisation that he can't win games for Chicago; he just has to not lose them. He's still thinking he'll be a reason why they win anything.

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He wasn't much better in Baltimore. Jamal Lewis and the Baltimore defense was what got them the superbowl rings.

Grossman is close to Dilfer in passer rating but that's only because of his completion % and the bears threw the ball a lot more than the Ravens did.

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  mack said:

The only thing I'd add to Dilfer's draft comment is an asterisk because Shuler was the first QB taken that year.

Ravens-era Dilfer didn't win games for Baltimore but he didn't lose them. Grossman has to make the realisation that he can't win games for Chicago; he just has to not lose them. He's still thinking he'll be a reason why they win anything.

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While Dilfer didn't win games for Baltimore, he did for Tampa in the years before coming to Baltimore. He led Tampa to the playoffs in '97 (or '98, I can't remember) after putting up good numbers that year.

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  LegoDoom said:
  mack said:

The only thing I'd add to Dilfer's draft comment is an asterisk because Shuler was the first QB taken that year.

Ravens-era Dilfer didn't win games for Baltimore but he didn't lose them. Grossman has to make the realisation that he can't win games for Chicago; he just has to not lose them. He's still thinking he'll be a reason why they win anything.

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While Dilfer didn't win games for Baltimore, he did for Tampa in the years before coming to Baltimore. He led Tampa to the playoffs in '97 (or '98, I can't remember) after putting up good numbers that year.

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Actually, Tampa was a running team and had a strong defense. Guys like Mike Alstott and Warrick Dunn had a LOT more to do with the Bucs success offensively and defensively for that matter(resting them/killing the clock). Not to mention opening up the passing game for a very lackluster quarterback. Also Rhett was still around and he presented a decent attack when Dunn or Alstott were tired. Remember, this was a Bucs team that had Shaun King carry them into the Conference Championship to only be beaten by the team to win the superbowl(the greatest show on turf, st louis rams) and (presummably) only lose that game because of "the burt emmanuel rule" not being in effect until the following year.

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Tampa was 11th in the league in rushing yards and TDs in '97. Not exactly what I would call an incredible rushing attack.

Errict Rhett had all of 96 yards rushing that year.

I think Tampa fans hate Dilfer because he never lived up to his draft status.

  SalmingUSA said:

What I wanna know is how the hell did Indy develop a run defense during the playoffs??

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It's easy when you're not afraid of the other teams passing attack.

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Yeah, but dunn had almost 1000 and the year after had over 1000. Alstott had over 600 yards. But after Rhett's previous years when he was in for a play they knew what he was capable of doing, even if he didn't do it. And with a defense like the Bucs defense back then it was almost lights out if you got 2 tds(not nearly as good as it was in the superbowl year but close).

At first we hated him because he wasn't a quick fix, now we hate him because we had him too long and he just plain sucked. I can't count how many passes I've seen him throw 5-10 feet over a reciever's head. I felt more comfortable with Craig Erickson in as quarterback... but those were the days where we didn't have wide recievers.

The Bucs downfall was poor decisions such as keeping Dilfer too long, hiring inept offensive coordinators and more recently hiring an inept and egotistical coach.

But anyway back to the topic at hand. Grossman isn't a shining star but he has more talent than trent dilfer, although Dilfer has a superbowl ring. Still overall

Charlie Ward(?/ :P ) > Grossman > Dilfer > Heath Shuler(sp?)

btw I hate FSU too, the Charlie Ward reference is simply because basketball is in no way is better than football. :lol:

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