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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SOLE footbeds

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I didn't try the Slim because one of my LHS only stocked the Regular ( red) Sole footbeds, not the ones recomended for hockey! I did try the Regular and found them to be okay but too wide for my skates ( RBK 5K) They do work nicely in my running shoes. Most of the posts I have read here say the Super feet are better, but I can't comment as I have not tried those yet!

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Ah, either of you guys that have tried the Sole footbed, and Superfeet care to get a little into detail? I've considered trying the Sole Footbeds as well....I've had gray Superfeet for a few months

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haven't used the soles in a long time, and never tried them side by side, so this is off the top of my head...

soles are comfy but very squishy. not a lot of support. thick ones might be good for filling volume on skates that are too deep for you.

superfeet are much firmer (have hard plastic underneath) and the arch starts further back toward your heel than a normal insole (i believe this is supposedly to prevent over-pronation). i felt like i was directly on top of the runner with them, if that makes sense.

superfeet are awkward at first but i quickly grew to like them a lot. i just got a pair of synergy 800c skates (with shock doctor insoles that i'd never tried before) and after giving them a try for 3 skates, can safely say i'll be going back to the superfeet.

for $25-30 bucks, try em out. even if you don't like them, you're not out much.

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Been using the Superfeet for about 8 years. Still have a couple blue ones. They were blue before gray. They are the only thing to use in your skates. I've tried almost all the others.

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