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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Puck

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Did that kid end up dying? Very sad indeed...

At one of our games this year, a sister to one of my teammates was hit in the face by a slapper on a clearing attempt. The arena had the short, 4' glass, and the player was trying to clear the puck.. needless to say it cleared it, and hit her square in the mouth. Within 2 weeks that arena had 7' glass installed.

Sidenote- Her dad is the dentist for the MN Wild, so shes all fixed up and doing well. At one point, she had to get her lip re-opened because of swelling. They ended up pulling small chunks of rubber out of it.

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at a narch tourney here, a kid was up on an equipment stand behind the goal. someone took a shot and it hit the post then broke the kids nose.

it was against a nexed sponsored team, so they gave the kid some free stuff!

but nothing can comepare to this sad sad sad story about this trajic death of a young kid. rip

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RIP little dude.....thats sad....i always wear my helmet on ponds though....one time the glare of the sun on my friends pond distracted me and my friend dumped it and it hit me in the chin......not as bad as that though

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i woder if it was a really hard blast that did it.....it must have if he died though......always wear your helmet though......here in NS there thinking about making it the law to wear it at free skates at the rink and even sledding in the snow too.....good idea for the ice but i dont know about the sledding......agian.....RIP dude

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