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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new NHL commercial

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i love the added mini sticks part, that isn't in the ad they have on nhl.com

ahh...mini stick hockey in hotel hallways breaking things, those were the days

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Its a great commercial, if you're a fan of the NHL. I can pick out any of those players without jerseys on but half the people in America don't even know Ovechkin. Add in the fact that his english is shaky but getting better and most people will probably give it a W T F Mate? It'll most likely be shown on versus anyway, so 100 or so people will see it.

Funny stuff

Hopefully they can re-inact this commercial with Ovy, Crosby and Tavares in about 15 years:

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Hopefully they can re-inact this commercial with Ovy, Crosby and Tavares in about 15 years:

I think todays players step into these acting spots better than guys used to. They come into the game way more media savvy. The delivery in "Pond of Dreams" is very cheesy...

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Yeah, Pond of Dreams is drearily acted at best. I think there is something to be said about the availability of such open and diverse personalities in the league.

I really like that Ryan Miller and Roberto Luongo shaving creamed Marty Turco. That was great.

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Its a great commercial, if you're a fan of the NHL. I can pick out any of those players without jerseys on but half the people in America don't even know Ovechkin. Add in the fact that his english is shaky but getting better and most people will probably give it a W T F Mate? It'll most likely be shown on versus anyway, so 100 or so people will see it.

Funny stuff

Hopefully they can re-inact this commercial with Ovy, Crosby and Tavares in about 15 years:

i dunno that pond of dreams commercial is a little to tacky for me... but i agree with your point about no one being able to recognize the players in the first commercial... however i think there are still enough shots of nameplates, jerseys and such that you can get some names out of it... and anyone thats ever watched sportscenter can identify ovechkin from his face and his accent... only hockey fans will see it though like you said so i guess it doesnt matter...

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I like the idea of the Pond Of Dreams but thank god none of those guys didn't end up beeing actors after hockey. The acting is bad. As for the new NHL commercial, I really like it. Compared to the warrior commercials of last years, those have humor and you can see that they are just kids like everyone.

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I might be biased but I still think the Richards/Lecavalier ad was the best. Not soo much because it was Brad and Vinny but because my friends and I have had that arguement many a time. This one would probably be my second favorite.

These commercials are awesome, I want to see a LOT more of them.

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That first one reminds me of the sort of stuff i do lol we were staying in a hotel after a tournament and we pulled stuff like that on players from sheffield, hate them lol. me and our back up did that shaving foam thing to our coach he was not happy at all. I think we need a thread especially for team pranks ive got loads!!!

Best bit on that add is when crosby says ovechkin at the end, sooo funny

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