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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XM + Sirius = <3

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There has been "advertisements" basically 2-5 minute long radio infomercials on XM for a while now. Maybe with the new listening audience there will be less of them <_< [/sarcasm]

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Certain channels have commercials. All of the music channels are commercial free. Channels with live talent obviously must have commercials. Also channels with shows from terestrial radio must have commercials to coinside with their spots.

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what is terestrial radio?

Terrestrial Radio is that which is brought to you via Frequency and Amplitude Modulation (AM,FM). It is free, over the air, and regulated by the FCC.

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Certain channels have commercials. All of the music channels are commercial free. Channels with live talent obviously must have commercials. Also channels with shows from terestrial radio must have commercials to coinside with their spots.

I beg to differ. All I listen to on XM radio is the music channels, and there are plenty, albeit less than FM/AM radio, commercials.

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What channels? None of the decade channels or other statiosn (franks place, pops, classical) that I listen to are ever interupted.

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What are you defining as a commercial? I have to admit I haven't been able to get my XM to work for a month, but before that I don't recall there ever being a commercial, although there have been announcements about programs on the other channels.

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Obviously since there are so many channels on XM radio I never listen to the advertisements before changing to another station. I can recall weight loss pills and animal grooming kits most specifically. I've got XM in my GMC Envoy, not a freestanding unit, so if I press the 'Display' button on the radio it changes from the station name to a 1-800 number to call for more information about the product. I assume on a freestanding unit it would show the phone number where it typically shows the artist name.

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Are you sure you are not listening to non-xm content. Stations like Kiss FM, talk shows, etc do have commercials.

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top tracks, deep tracks, flight 26, fred and blend have all had commercials.

all XM channels, all music channels, no talk radio. All XM Programing...

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A recent article about commercials on XM. The article states two things. XM claims most of the channels, including some you've listed, are commercial-free. On the other hand, analysts suggest it's only a matter of time before commercials invade satellite radio,

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A recent article about commercials on XM. The article states two things. XM claims most of the channels, including some you've listed, are commercial-free. On the other hand, analysts suggest it's only a matter of time before commercials invade satellite radio,

perhaps they call them something other than "commercials"

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So far...this is only in the States...Canada's Sat Radio will not change (for now)

Give it time...

Radio, I've been meaning to check into the market penetratiion of sat radio in Canada, and haven't "got around to it" yet. Do you know what it is currently?

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This merger will never take place. The FTC and damn near every other federal agency will fight it.

I thought so as well but both are losing money.

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