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Spider-Man 2

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What's with his powers failing him? The webshooting was origianlly part of the powers and Peter just made the shooters as a way to control/aim them right?...in the movies they've made the entire web shooter/webbing solution a Peter invention. I see how that can fail/run out.

I think you've got that reversed, from what I know, in the comics and the cartoons, the web shooter was entirely his invention, but in the first movie webshooting was introduced as stemming from the radioactive spider bite, and there wasn't any mention of cartridges or a gun thing as far as I saw, it just popped out of his hand.

As for his powers failing, he had "arach-tile" dysfunction. :D

Bad joke, I know, I'm sorry.

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Anyhoo.. I've just heard that the two villains for 3 are going to be *drumroll* man-wolf and VENOM. This came as a shock to me because they already have 3 possibles for the next movie.

Isn't Man-Wolf what Jameson's kid became? I thought in the old stories that he already "became" that before returning to Earth. Too bad all my old books are yet to be found.

As for the Dark Phoenix saga, won't they need to bring in Cyclops' dad and his little crew? They should get Hasselhoff to play him haha.

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okay so i saw it again and THIS time it was the right way....muuuch better. I thought it was a decent movie with the scenes out of whack but it was much better in the correct order....

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...wow i am so happy that they are going to put venom as a villain in the next movie...that i hope will be awesome

i think that was a great rivalry and i said since they announced they announced the first spider man movie i told my friends...wouldnt it be awesome to see Venom and Carnage in the movie?special effects these days have the possibility to be just great! and as for the x-men movies...my favorite mutant was always gambit...i hope they find a way to bring him in to the movie(or if others are made...movies)

By the way Buzz..where did you hear that Venom and Carnage are going to be in it?..was it a reliable source..and is it just an idea...or has it been confirmed?

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Well assuming the astronaut's still in for the next movie, he'll go to space and end up bringing back the symbiote that becomes Venom.

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I finally saw Spidey 2 on the weekend. I also felt it was a good movie all around. Good fighting and action sequences, well paced, I like how they told the story. And the ending was decent, unlike the Matrix sequels. I see on average two movies a year in theatres, and this one was well worth my while. I also like the Dunst factor.

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Well assuming the astronaut's still in for the next movie, he'll go to space and end up bringing back the symbiote that becomes Venom.

"I feel like I'm Back On The Moon".................................... Worst Line Ever

However I did enjoy the movie. Definately one of the better ones I've seen this summer. I saw this, Dodgeball and Anchorman recently. Ya I know, but summer there isn't alot to do in the Hammer.

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... I also like the Dunst factor.

Wow, I must be one of the only guys here who doesn't find her to be too appealing. I've just never thought that she was all that pretty.

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She's got some dental issues but she's got what the French call "a certain I don't know what." But she needs to invest in bras because they're heading to Southtown before they should.

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Ya what the heck is wrong with her teeth? I noticed that too its like her upper teeth on are flat. It looks kinda freaky. I never really found her that "hot" at all.

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Yeah but that's such a broad statement that it works for all girls. Girls would be much hotter as mutes.

As for her teeth, I guess it's part of "her thing." I mean that Julia Styles chick has a snaggletooth and then there's Jewel. I don't see it, except for Jewel the hermit they could have afforded braces.

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You guys are right. It would be nice if she didnt talk as much. And is it possibe that she smiles to much? But for nothing.

If her teeth were better I guess I wouldnt really care.

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"I feel like I'm Back On The Moon".................................... Worst Line Ever

Bzzt... replace that with *any* line from "Attack of the Clones" with Padme and Anakin in the same frame...

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Dunst isnt going to make any movies after 3, so if they are gonna make anymore theyre going to have to kill her off somehow. Also, Carnage should be in one of the movies, he's godlike and the best villian in any comic, ever.

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Ya the only thing I didn't get about how he was formed was that if the Venom Symbionite left part of itself in that jail cell, wouldn't it notice? Also if the serial killer who got the little bit of symbioite attatched to him be less powerful if theres less symbionite? Still though my fav. villian.

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Dunst isnt going to make any movies after 3, so if they are gonna make anymore theyre going to have to kill her off somehow.

I heard Sam Raimi wants to do up to 6 movies, so they won't kill MJ...They'll just toss a new actress into the role. Hopefully one that looks like MJ when Todd McFarlane drew her....I'm sorry that was one hot Comic book character.

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