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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Special Custom Curve

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Does anyone know of a curve

Drury like, but without all the curve, more like a nine iron. Needs to be left. Pics or Names could be really helpful.


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Go to hockeymonkey.com and go to pro easton sticks and you will find a Coburn curve which is similar to the Drury

I think he wants a little bit of a variation of the Drury... I had 2 Coburn SL's, and they were exactly the same.

Be weary though, the Coburn Synergy is a 120 flex stock... you cut it enough, you would be hefting a nice 125+ flex... it's like a rock, and not the most pleasant experience unless you've been playing a while.

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Does anyone know of a curve

Drury like, but without all the curve, more like a nine iron. Needs to be left. Pics or Names could be really helpful.


John LeClair or Peter Schaefer

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Not to jack your topic but anybody konw of a drury like curve with a 5 lie>?>?

For retail patterns, the OLD Sherwood Crosby, the one on the 7000's and 5030's is a basically Drury, maybe a hair bigger than 5. You might be able to locate some 950 blades. That's all I got, if you're looking for OPS, disregard all that you just read....

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Go to hockeymonkey.com and go to pro easton sticks and you will find a Coburn curve which is similar to the Drury

I think he wants a little bit of a variation of the Drury... I had 2 Coburn SL's, and they were exactly the same.

Be weary though, the Coburn Synergy is a 120 flex stock... you cut it enough, you would be hefting a nice 125+ flex... it's like a rock, and not the most pleasant experience unless you've been playing a while.

yeah120 flex would never work for me...i use really low flexes like 75..77..85. The highest i'd go is about 90-05

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