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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shot blocking shin pads

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I would defidently reccomend some Mission Matrix shins. They are a few years old though, so you may need ebay or something. But they work amazingly for me.

we got off topic, but hockeychamp14 was asking if there is a better shin pad for blocking shots than the high end rbk/jofa, and he plays jr b. i dont think the mission matrix is what hes looking for

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I would defidently reccomend some Mission Matrix shins. They are a few years old though, so you may need ebay or something. But they work amazingly for me.

we got off topic, but hockeychamp14 was asking if there is a better shin pad for blocking shots than the high end rbk/jofa, and he plays jr b. i dont think the mission matrix is what hes looking for

You've made your point and your suggestion has been noted, now let others voice their own opinions.

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I cant say I play Jr B but I play the level right below it and the Matrix has been great for me.

And I actually know someone who plays Jr B who uses the Mission Matrix. I know that is a little wierd I know their equiptment but theres a story behind it.

Anyhow, why would you say the Matrix's arnt worthy for players in Jr B?

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On the topic of shinguards--

I'm currently wearing a pair of Jofa 5500's, but I'm finding the knee protection to be less than adequate. After a few spills, my knees will be sore, and I'm thinking it's due mostly to the fact that the knee area is only 2 layers of foam with a hole in the center for the knee cap.

Can anyone tell me what models from Jofa feature a knee pillow or better cushioning? I'm not looking for 9090's or anything that high-end, but my main LHS doesn't stock RBK or Jofa pads, and most places don't show a picture of the knee cradle.

I was going to get the 6K, but I didn't think I'd like the venting and fit-lite system. The pair I have works well for shin protection and comfort (besides hard landings on the knee), and they're nice and wide for my mammoth knees and calves, so I'm not looking to change the shin area, only the knee.


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I would defidently reccomend some Mission Matrix shins. They are a few years old though, so you may need ebay or something. But they work amazingly for me.

we got off topic, but hockeychamp14 was asking if there is a better shin pad for blocking shots than the high end rbk/jofa, and he plays jr b. i dont think the mission matrix is what hes looking for

You've made your point and your suggestion has been noted, now let others voice their own opinions.

well you were pretty quik to shoot me down, and all tohrs suggestion was worse than mine, yeah?

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I would defidently reccomend some Mission Matrix shins. They are a few years old though, so you may need ebay or something. But they work amazingly for me.

we got off topic, but hockeychamp14 was asking if there is a better shin pad for blocking shots than the high end rbk/jofa, and he plays jr b. i dont think the mission matrix is what hes looking for

You've made your point and your suggestion has been noted, now let others voice their own opinions.

well you were pretty quik to shoot me down, and all tohrs suggestion was worse than mine, yeah?

Seriously why you can't accept the fact that other pads may be acceptable for use? Your comments imply that only those pads are good, and that is just not the case. Obviously tohrs and I can justify our opinions with anecdotal evidence while you can't back it up with anything other than a personal opinion.

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how is your opinion different than mine? explain please

If you can't figure it out by now you might have a good case against the people who made your helmet.

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It's just that something works for everybody. Heck I have a pair of older Easton Z-Airs that are wide and super padded. Judging by me being whacked in the shins several times, they'd probably stop a bullet. Thing is, they are too much for me but might work for somebody who plays at a higher level than I do.

I don't NEED that much of a pad, in fact I'm looking for something narrower and lighter.

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