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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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THN Article

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So i was reading the new edition of the hockey news today. (The one with Forsburg on the cover). Inside where they have the Bladmasters interview with an equipment guy or someone in the club, i read that this guy in this weeks issue was Jeff Potter. He works with Oakville Ice Train i believe the team is in Ontario, and helps the Mississauga Ice Dogs team as well. If my assumption is correct, is this the same guy as oldtrainerguy?

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I do not have a functioning scanner, but I'll type out word for word what was said.

"Jeff Potter, 42 has been the equipment manager for the Oakville Ice of the National Women's League, and for the junior level Oakville Ice of the Provincial Women's League, for two seasons. He also is a call-in assistant for the Ontario League's Mississauga IceDogs. THN caught up with Potter to discuss his career."

THN: Where did you work before joining Oakville?

JP: I was with the Toronto Aeros of the NWHL and before that the Toronto Roadrunners of the AHL. I started back in the early 1990s with the Sunshine League, which is now the Southern Pro League, for the Daytona Beach Sun Devils. I was the equipment guy and the broadcast voice for Daytona.

THN:How did you make it down to Daytona?

JP:I worked Cascar, the Canadian stock car racing tour, and went down to Florida. I met my wife, Rose, there.

THN: Is there a difference being an equipment manager for a women's team?

JP: No. In some cases, the girls can be just as finicky as the guys. And they can be just as superstitious. Certain players have to get dressed into their gear first, certain players are first onto the ice.

THN:We understand that not ever team in the NWHL has its own skate sharpening equipment.

JP: Yeah, I'll often sharpen the skates of the opposition team before the game. Not for championship games, though. Then we'll make other arrangements. But when a team comes from out of town, I'll do the skates for all the players. There's no conflict.

THN: Working in women's hockey, how do you handle privacy issues?

JP: That's not a problem. The skate-sharpening room is separated from the dressing room, we have curtains. And everyone acts very professionally.

THN: Are you enjoying the job?

JP: I love it. The Ice's owner, Bill Metcalfe, is great. Everything is done first class in the organization.

THN: How are the crowds for the games?

JP: We don't usually get large crowds, but we do have these "outreach games" where we'll go to a neutral site, like the hometown of one of our players. We went to Kirkland Lake, Ont., for example, we got a great big crowd and the whole town really looked after us.

THN: What else would you like to do in your career?

JP: I'm very happy in my situation, but I wouldn't mind helping out more with the U.S. or Canadian women's Olympic team. I really would like to see the women's game grow and be a part of that.

If this breaches any copyright law's i'm sorry, i just did not have access to a functioning scanner. I'll give all credit to The Hockey News, and Jeff Potter.

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Wow, Miike, thanks SO much for going to that extra effort to type out the article. Sure didn't expect you to go to that trouble... THANKS much!

I really don't know how OTG does it... he's so busy with so many teams he must never get home.

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It's not an article, it's a Blademaster advertisement - they have those with that format (that's the first time I've noticed the interviewer being called "THN" though) in like every issue of The Hockey News. THN is big on the ads-that-look-like-articles - they'll also always have special issues with "new equipment preview!" or "summer hockey camp guide!" that say "special advertising feature" on them in microscopic letters.

... Oh, but still thumbs up to OTG for being in the Hockey News in any capacity, though - I didn't mean that to be a slight at him. It's still cool whether it's an ad or not.

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Well they didnt put in the part that the league will be folding this year as it stands now because the OWHA (Ontario Womens Hockey Association) that runs the league will not put the funds behind the league to run the chanpionships even this year...

Now if the OWHA disputes this I ask them to put up an answer to this? They dont seem to give out much information on thier website.

The only thing on the NWHL website is an article from the Quebec team that echos what I say on here.

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Blademaster change the person every week in THN, but they have the advertorial running. The done it with the Canes equipment manager, the oilers, Portland Pirates etc etc.

I know it's only an advertisment, but it's still pretty interesting.

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otg: Is that NWHL news confirmed or rumored?

I mentioned it to a guy here who has set up some charity games with the league in the last few season, and he hadn't heard it yet.

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Well I cant say anything really but I think my word is pretty good.

If they dont find corporate sponsers and keep the quality players they have and allow them to run the league the same as the NHL the NWHL as it is run at this time will be done.

It is a fact there will be no East / West Clarkson Cup final and the way I see it and that just is a huge blow to womens hockey here in North America.

There are some great coaches and Players from all over the world in this league and although i may have a couple grudges for some play's on the ice i am friendly with most players on all the teams. I think what has not been done with the league this year is just a joke. There was so much potential to make this year the best year for the league with some great players college and Olympic.

I dont know about you but how many people are willing to put up 100,000 a year of there own money to run a team with no promotion from the league office. On top of that the very distinct appearance that the league is favoring some teams because the have named either US or Team Canada players.

This is not a comment that even the girls in the league wouldnt deny.

anyway enough of a rant.......besides it just means more time to do skates for you guys out there that all have been very curtious and a pleasure to deal with.

I will however if it does fold miss very much the girls the coaches we have had and just the all around fun the last 3 years have had.


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Well its to bad our team kept getting penalties when my shift was up.....shorthanded and sitting...thats my new nick i think........LOL

It was pretty good we raised that much money......all that counts...

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