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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Outsole Lumps? Updated with pictures.

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I recently bought a pair of 10000s, and they felt fine when I was trying them on and when I was skating around my house. However, about 45 minutes into skating tonight, I suddenly noticed a lump in the center of the outsole in the forefoot area, about three to four inches long and one wide, that put me foot in a weird position. I'm really irritated, too, because I was so sure that I would like them.

Has anyone else noticed this lump in the outsole? I've never had it before, so if anyone can tell me more about it, or maybe if I should get it warrantied, I would greatly appreciate it.

Justin? Any insight?




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Alright, alright, I'll do it.

It is not a tooommmmaaaahhhh.

Dang it!!! I was so excited to post I didn't read that Drew beat me to it.

I've got to stop logging off this site here at work.

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Will try to add pictures tonight, but you must know that it will be hard to physically take the picture, since it is on the very inside of my skate. I'm really hoping for some insight from Justin.

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Baking? Not that I know of. I mean, it is possible that someone baked them before and screwed them up but the shopkeep didn't tell me. However, I bought them in new condition.

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Some might be blurry... look at them either zoomed out or from further away.




Not only are the rivets kind of sinking the outsole in, but the center portion, which is supposed to be kind of like Tour's dremmeled out channel, feels like it is instead just raised up about 2-3 mm.

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ive had that problem,i carefully took a heat gun to the area and with a wood butt end i pushed it down until it cooled down.be careful,dont over do the heat from the gun,as you know that gun gets hot quick.it was a mission9500.it worked out fine no problems after that.

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