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Ryan Smyth fools the refs on his Isles debut.

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Have any of you guys seen Ryan Smyth's move on Bergeron's goal? The goal was not in place and Smyth just put the post back were it belong before anyone saw it...Then Bergeron scores! Anyway, i'm pretty bad at explaining things, i'll try to find the vid... It was a pretty cool thing to see :lol:

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I saw it, isn't the whistle supposed to be blown when the net goes off the moarings instantly?

Regardless, the net was knocked off and was off for like 4 or 5 seconds and then Smyth came in and fiddled with it for a few seconds and as soon as he got it on a pass bounced off a STL Defenseman and went in.

Smart move by Smyth.

Blues played really really well in that game, dominated the first period but let up an easy PP goal. DiPietro was really keeping the Isles going until the Blues came back at the end of the 3rd and scored 2 goals to tie it... then the Blues scored in OT.

Just a testament to the passion and ability that the Blues organization has if they can effectively harness it.

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The ref didn't blow the whistle because it was knocked off by a Blue and the Islanders had a scoring chance. Brilliant play by Smyth. Also, there was obviously something wrong with his skates. When I was watching it looked like he had no balance, and sure enough after the first intermission he came out with this (ugly as hell) new blue holders on his skates.

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The ref didn't blow the whistle because it was knocked off by a Blue and the Islanders had a scoring chance. Brilliant play by Smyth. Also, there was obviously something wrong with his skates. When I was watching it looked like he had no balance, and sure enough after the first intermission he came out with this (ugly as hell) new blue holders on his skates.

Ooof. Those Gretz style holders are mint. I wanted a pair of those so bad when I was a little guy.

Great play by Smyth, and a good job by the officials to wait it out.

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Not that at matters, since the Blues came back and won anyway, but in the highlights it looks like it was a Isles player that knocked the net off... sure, inadvertently, but regardless.

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Yeah, in the TSN article Smyth says that Blake (jason) knocked the net off.

So, in all technicality, shouldn't the whistle have been blown?

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