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Shawn in Tampa

Rib injury..Need better shoulder pads

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Got tripped in full stride and all 260 came down on my ribs Saturday...Not broken, but really bruised. freaking breathing hurts...LOL

Currently in RBK 6's. Didnt do squat..


Maybe Bauer 8000 Defenders?

Synergy 700's look like monsters?

I dont care how big they feel or what they cost.


Thanks folks.

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Have a Jofa 9800 in a size 6 if you're interested. With the exception of the old Douglas pads, they don't get any more football player than that.

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Hey Drew, I looked them up, and would be interested, but isnt that just foam wraparound like my 6K's?

I want hard protection for my bottom 3 ribs..Can you tell me whats down there on the JOFA's?

Are they new or used?



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Foam, but they are a little lower cut. You might want to look into getting a rib protector that they have for football players. They just lace up to the bottom of your pads.

They are used incidentally.

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shawn, sounds to me you are about the same size as me, i had heart surgury almost 5 years ago. i tried and still have a pair of the douglas defenders, they are basically football wide reciever pads, def bigger than any kicker wears. after a while i went to the bauer 5000, the chest padding is kind of like a goalies chest pad and is great but got to be a little bulky after some of the fear started to go away. i then went to a jofa which didn't have much in the way of chest padding, blocked a shot kind of got it under the arm/chest area and decided they weren't enough. recently got the easton synergy s9's. added the strap pads from the bauer 5000's and are great. they're so good that i'm going to buy another pair just incast they discontinue them. they are super light, offer super mobility and are probably more protection than you need depending on the type of league you are in. give them a look i think you'll be extremely pleased.

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I was looking at the S9's, but it looks like they already have some sort of rib pad along the strap..No?

Also looked up the Bauer 5000's. They lok pretty good too. Wondering why you didnt just stick with the 5000 as is?


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Got tripped in full stride and all 260 came down on my ribs Saturday...Not broken, but really bruised. freaking breathing hurts...LOL

Yeah, rib injuries suck, for sure. I once had a cracked rib at the same time I was suffering from Bronchitis...It was a whole lot of fun - especially when my father and coaches decided I was healthy enough to play in a big game against our biggest rival.

The Easton 700s or S9s look like they would do the trick, but I don't think you'll be able to move very well. I think you're probably going to have to decide what it is you want - mobility or protection. I haven't found a pair of shoulder pads which can give me the mobility I want without sacrificing one or two (or five) areas of vulnerability.

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Unfortunately it is very difficult, if not plain impossible, to provide good rib protection and still be able to play hockey. You need to flex and move your trunk forward, backwards and sideways while breathing at the same time.

In order for the pad to be "protective" it has to be big enough and hard enough to be able to deflect and/or distribute the force over a larger area. Think of shin guards.

There is nothing like that that you could wear to protect your ribs and still be able to play hockey. All the shoulder pads could do is to give you some protection (Something is better than nothing). Fortunately, the ribs "by design" are mobile and somewhat a little flexible (the older you get, the more rigid they are, which is not a good thing) and they are able to withstand significant force.

But if 260 lbs fall on your ribs, you are going to feel it :-)

All this introduction for what? :-)

In summary, my advice is not to go chasing something that it is not there. The RBK 6K are good pads. You can spend money trying something else. But if a big guy falls on you, or you hit the boards or the goal at a bad angle, or something like that, you are going to get hurt.

Just my 2¢ :-)


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Got tripped in full stride and all 260 came down on my ribs Saturday...Not broken, but really bruised. freaking breathing hurts...LOL

Currently in RBK 6's. Didnt do squat..


Maybe Bauer 8000 Defenders?

Synergy 700's look like monsters?

I dont care how big they feel or what they cost.


Thanks folks.

Itech 990

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shawn, i guess you misunderstood me, i did use the 5000's as is, i just got used to the pads that the bauers have on the straps. i think they are also on the 8000 defenders. so i took them off the bauers and put them on my eastons. about the s9's the neck area is very open which makes them feel very non-restrictive. i usually block alot of shots, (had one of my cages broken already by a slapper) and i'm the kind of guy who isn't afraid to go to the net and screen the goalie, that's my game since i wasn't blessed with blazing speed, so i have to have faith in my gear, since i have to get up for work the next day. give the s9's a good look i'm sure you'll be pleased.

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I have the Vector 6.0LEs which are basically the 8.0s. They are tanks, I haven't felt a hit in my chest that hurt... at least not during the game, after the game is a different story. The issue I have had with it is that I've had to repair the shoulders once and the left elbow pad once because of the stitching coming out. It might just be the SMU quality of the stitching but still kinda sucks.

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I have the Vector 6.0LEs which are basically the 8.0s. They are tanks, I haven't felt a hit in my chest that hurt... at least not during the game, after the game is a different story. The issue I have had with it is that I've had to repair the shoulders once and the left elbow pad once because of the stitching coming out. It might just be the SMU quality of the stitching but still kinda sucks.

i had the same problem with my left elbow pad.. the stitching is really bad on that little black cloth thing...

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it was my left elbow too. The issue was with the drawstring nylon tab-ish things. I guess i put too much strain on the top one from pulling the drawstring tight. :(

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