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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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big ben

What size for women?

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GF wants some skates, in womens shoes she wears about a 7-8. What size skate would this be, about a 6.5 in mens? Prolly getting her some vectors.

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yeah thats what i though, theres a pair of vector 3.0s on ebay going for $20 that are a size 6.5 so i tihkn i'm gonna grab those anyway to try.

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Fit her. Transer from womens shoe to a mens shoe is about 2 sizes. And then subract a size for skate size(in most cases).

so WSZ8 = MSZ6 = Skate size 5 roughly. I'd start there, might be a little small but, yes, a starting point.

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Even for $20 I don't think I would bother with those vectors... they will be too big.

She's likely going to be a 5.0 or 5.5 in Vector - possibly smaller if your guess of shoe size 7 is more accurate than your guess of shoe size 8.

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i measure for a 8 in a mens shoe and wear a 5.5 in nikes, wich i feel run big.

and if you want to get womens skates it may be a bit easier to do the sizing.

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Well the nearest LHS is about 200 miles so we'll have to wait til we are back in that area to try some on.

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There is another issue you might want to consider for proper sizing:

Most "average" women have a C width foot. So a narrow mens boot would be considered an "average" women's width.

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There is another issue you might want to consider for proper sizing:

Most "average" women have a C width foot. So a narrow mens boot would be considered an "average" women's width.

You have to be careful with this... I'm not sure what "average" woman you're talking about. Most woman are proportionately wider in the mid-foot then men... with a narrower heel, slightly shallower and lower ankle and a proportionately lower calf.

My daughter is "average" in that she can fit in most women's shoes... and is usually a D width in skates.

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