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soakers for size 11 skates

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I can't seem to find blade covers to fit size 11 skates (the ones that soak up moisture but have the thick strip along the bottom so the blade doesn't cut through)Anyone know of a brand? They are always at least an inch too short. Doesn't anyone have big feet?!

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I have size 10.5 skates and my soakers have stretch to spare, so I'd imagine they'd fit your bobsleds. And my soakers have that nice material on the bottom to prevent tearing. I want to say they're A&R brand.

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I can't seem to find blade covers to fit size 11 skates (the ones that soak up moisture but have the thick strip along the bottom so the blade doesn't cut through)Anyone know of a brand? They are always at least an inch too short. Doesn't anyone have big feet?!

The large ones from A&R will easily fit an 11 and I think every shop in existence has an A&R account.

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Very difficult to find in Montreal,believe it or not.Even difficult to find a store that stocks size 11 and up skates.

I wear a 14 and the ones I have fit. Forgot the brand though. Never heard of them being too small.

If you wear a 14 skate you must wear a 15 or 16 shoe!That's some seriously big feet!

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At sports authority they have sizes in soakers. Small, medium and large... not sure if you checked the size but maybe you grabbed a small? or maybe even a medium?

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A&R are the only ones we carry that have the strip of kevlar or whatever material you may call it on the bottom and the Larges will definitely fit a size 11. The Easton soakers while they dont have a strip on the bottom will also fit your big boats as well!

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any particular brands that are good? the A&R ones I got from Dick's (sporting goods...) didn't have an extra strip on the bottom.

A&R has several kinds, one has the strip

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I wear a 14 and the ones I have fit. Forgot the brand though. Never heard of them being too small.

If you wear a 14 skate you must wear a 15 or 16 shoe!That's some seriously big feet!

I wear a 15 in some brands of shoe and 16 and others. Pain in the ass to find skates that big. Currently have a pair of Nike Bauer Supreme 50's in a 14E and still had to get them stretched wider.

Since I assume there are some big guys reading this thread, is there a place that specializes in big gear? Not just skates, but everything. I'm 6'8" so I have problems finding things in the right size.

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I know it's site policy not to pimp out online hockey stores, but more times than not I've seen XL and XXL types of sizes online than in LHS's. And if your LHS doesn't stock a size, then more times than not they'll order it for you free of charge.

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I wear a 14 and the ones I have fit. Forgot the brand though. Never heard of them being too small.

If you wear a 14 skate you must wear a 15 or 16 shoe!That's some seriously big feet!

I wear a 15 in some brands of shoe and 16 and others. Pain in the ass to find skates that big. Currently have a pair of Nike Bauer Supreme 50's in a 14E and still had to get them stretched wider.

Since I assume there are some big guys reading this thread, is there a place that specializes in big gear? Not just skates, but everything. I'm 6'8" so I have problems finding things in the right size.

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