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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can you believe this

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Alright, we all know mark messier, right? We all know he still wears the same helmet he has been wearing since he has come into the nhl. So im at a local rink, ProSkate in South Brunswick NJ, and Im bored in between tournerment games, so I go into the proshop, and look around. I like to grab something from each rink, like a team shell, jersey, etc, just for the hell of it. So I look up, and I see a maroon (which mind you is MY TEAM COLOR) Cooper helmet. Me and a few other kids from the team are in the room, and we decided, one of us have to use it. So I see on the back, a price tag of 45 bucks, but I was like, thats probably been there for years. So I try to scratch it off to no avail. I go up to the girl at the register, and im like, how much is this. and shes like, hmm, and asks somebody, hes liek, 45 bucks, says it on the back, its vintage. Im like, your never going to sell this, and he says, its vintage. So a few hours later, I go back, to different people. And Im like, how much is that cooper helmet. The guy was like, hmm, 39.99. Im like, how about 10 bucks. hes like, I can sell it to any goalie for 60 bucks. Im like you coudlnt sell that to Dan Cloutier for 5 bucks. So I picked up a wood inno blade, and im like, how much for the blade and the helmet, hes like 10 for the blade and 39.99 for the helmet. So I was like wow, thats sad, and walked out. Coulda looked just like mess too :(

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Pretty much, the guy was a dick, he could have put the 10, 15 bucks in his pocket and nobody would have noticed the helmet was missing, it wasnt in the stock list when the girl looked. But dont we all wanna be like mark?

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Actually I saw one on ebay a few weeks ago...some Cordoba guy was selling them... ;)

However, if you get the helmet, you HAVE to get the leather straps like Mess...fixitibymail.com makes them.

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Actually I saw one on ebay a few weeks ago...some Cordoba guy was selling them... ;)

However, if you get the helmet, you HAVE to get the leather straps like Mess...fixitibymail.com makes them.

without a doubt :)

By the way, when messier went from the Canucks to the rangers, or when the rangers got third jerseys (different shade of blue), where did he get the helmets from (As cooper is/was out of bussiness).

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I remember when they actually used to say WinnWell on them then they started coming out with the Cooper name on them. I know I have a picture around somewhere with Messier wearing the "WinnWell" version.


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Prenny207 and I both used to rep WinnWell. I quit repping a couple years ago, and WinnWell disappeared about a year ago. There's a long story behind that whole brand's situation, either of us could tell you if you get bored some night...

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Maybe I can bribe my brother into selling his, it's black, but he probably will not want to. Or he will ask too much for it.

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