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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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We need a few players for the Labatt's Blue Tourney

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the fee has been paid - we just need 2-3 more players to avoid exhaustion. :lol:

We are mainly a B2 level team. We entered bronze 21+.

Anyone interested in some FREE hockey that weekend?

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If I lived closer to Indy, I'd be on this like a fat kid on cake.

flights out of RI are a little pricey, but if you're loaded - come on out! :lol:

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If this is the weekend 24-25 Mar, I might be in Fort Wayne Indiana. What times are the games?

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If this is the weekend 24-25 Mar, I might be in Fort Wayne Indiana. What times are the games?

Friday: 8:15 am

Sat: 1:30pm and 11:45pm

Sun (Championship game): 11:00am

there are 8 teams in our division. 2 pools of 4 w/ the winner playing Sunday. You don't have to make every game.

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I'll be intrested in that since its at my rink. Are you guys the Rhode warriors or the Shenanigans?

I'll be intrested in that since its at my rink. Are you guys the Rhode warriors or the Shenanigans?

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I'll be intrested in that since its at my rink. Are you guys the Rhode warriors or the Shenanigans?

Rohde Warriors...

what level player are you?

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I can probably hold my own in that division.

Great! Of course, we prefer you play hockey when out on the ice instead of holding... er... nevermind. :lol:

Do you play forward or defense? Do you have 2 others friends (preferably defensemen, but we'll take what we can get) who also want to play? That would give us 10 skaters and plenty of free ice time for you guys.

BTW, we are a pretty good group. We're just looking to have fun, drink beer, and if we win a few games - all the better!

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probably the safest thing for you chikin is to skate on the same line with Bouce and just be the Left Wing Lock....

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