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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Beach Hockey Sticks

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My friend and I were dicussing the Pro Beach Hockey League the other day.I don't know how or why we got on the topic,slow work day I guess. Anyone remember what kind of sticks they used ? We couldn't decide if it was Mission or Franklin

I miss the PBHL silly as it was. I liked coming home late,grabbing some doritos and watching a PBH rerun

Tiffany Richardson was pretty OK too. She was the 1st host before she got replaced by those 2 nitwits{guy and girl} the 2nd season

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I seem to recall a lot of V-Form boots that had that terrible plastic frame replaced.

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At roller hockey today me and my boys were talking about PBH. I used to love the ramp. Some good fights too. Wont happen but id love to see it make a comeback.

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I seem to recall a lot of V-Form boots that had that terrible plastic frame replaced.

I think most of it was reversed. Mission boots with the lighter top end V-form Chasis. My Cousin played in it, did alright apperantly too, but said the money wasn't great. He jumped the net and did a 720 splash in a skills competition. Brought me back some alright junk too. First time I had seen the Z-ball. Franklin was the stick main stick supplier when he went. I remember a few blades they brought back had ridges in them, kind've weird unfortunately I didn't get the oppurtunity to test'em out.

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I practiced with the Salsa because I was too young to play in games. Yes, we had Mission boots with Vform holders. Sticks were pretty nice too. Custom patterns and whatnot. The ramps were so nice. Too awile to get used to though.

Good memories.

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Mission boots with V form holders? lolol....In the beginning we were forced to wear the V-Forms with all Franklin gear. I had to try and play goalie with the crappy Franklin Pads, a mask that the ball could break, and those good awful V-form skates...It was such a pain in the butt....

The very last yearm we switched to Mission skates and helmets. For goalie, I was able to use what I wanted....Some guys did get sticks as well....


Former Member of the Web Warriors and Gargoyles....lol

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A few guys on the Salsa really did have Mission boots. Everyone had V-Form holders though. And no, I was 14 when I was skating with them. That's what happens when you grow up playing against the likes of CJ and Jamie Yoder, Ron Tracy, Matty Denton, and all of Tod Meltons top players. Not to mention playing under Tod Melton.

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A few guys on the Salsa really did have Mission boots. Everyone had V-Form holders though. And no, I was 14 when I was skating with them. That's what happens when you grow up playing against the likes of CJ and Jamie Yoder, Ron Tracy, Matty Denton, and all of Tod Meltons top players. Not to mention playing under Tod Melton.

PBH was 98-2000 so you're 18-20

You have a prep school listed in your sig, so I'm guessing the lower end

CJ turns 29 this weekend

How did you grow up playing against people 10 years older than you? One would think that no organizing body would allow a 10 year old to play against adults. Jamie and Matty are only 8 years older so that makes more sense. :rolleyes:

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I'm 17.

Now how are you going to question the fact that I played with/against all of these guys? I know Matty, CJ, and Jamie all grew up around you, so you obviously know them. PM me if you want my name, and then you can ask them if they know me.

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knowing is one thing, playing against grown men in an organized league as a child is another. It doesn't really matter to me in any case. I've met them all a few times but I doubt I'd recognize them on the street, nor they recognize me.

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A guy who played in that league named Mike Gillen played on my HS roller hockey team around here also. I think his only moment of fame in that league came when he got into a fight that went off the rink back into the locker rooms.

Hell of a player in the HS league though.

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wow its been a long time ever since i saw this topic. i had vforms but it was the tst 2000 that had the allooy plate and plastic wheel mounts. i dont have any problems with them. i love the stopping ability.

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Man, this topic makes me feel almost as old as I am. '98 was when I met CJ and Jamie and the rest of the Mudcats. Also Joe Cook in LA. First year of my aluminum prototypes, which were constantly compared (in contrast) to the v-forms.

That, however you look at it, was some serious sponsorship.... and product promoting. It certainly gave the v-forms every chance in the world of succeeding if they were any good at all.

I wish I had that kind of money!!!!!! And the timing.

But don't we all.

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I miss Pro Beach Hockey!

I'd tape the games off of ESPN and watch them in the afternoon when I got home from work. It was a great way to kill an hour or so unwinding after a day of work.

The guy that runs California Refere School, Michel Voyer, was a ref in PBH. I wish I'd known this though before the last time I attended his ref school so I could've asked him about it. I've found a couple pics of him working PBH games from various websites.

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I think the extreme factor was part of it, but they could also build up a lot of speed coming out of the zone with them as well. that, and you couldnt set up behind the net to slow things down.

Overall I'm thinking it made for a faster game.

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Pro Beach was made back when television mavens thought the way to promote inline hockey was to lump it in with "extreme" sports...like "extreme" skating etc (a theory that has persisted for years)...Hence the hope was that some of the players would be making some "extreme" moves off the ramps and the end glass...at the end of the day..vey few guys who were really hockey players were interested in trying those kind of hot dog moves...so it never happened...not to mention that the money wasn't worth the risk...per Tony Szabo, Jay Mazer, CJ and others...

For those who played it, correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Pro Beach just a 2 week tournament, but the televised games were spread out over say 2 - 3 months to make it look like a full season?

As per the discussion about #94 "playing" against those guys on the Mudcats..I would be curious as to when and where....as my son did practice and play with them in 2000 on Sunday nights when he was 14. Thought maybe we might have met. I would also assume if you got to practice with a Pro Beach team, that at the age of 13, you were most likely the son of a player...cannot see you flying out to Cali for 2 weeks on the off chance you might get on a team....

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