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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Canucks Rap

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That's a great video. Several inside jokes so I'm not sure if the masses will get all parts of it. I heard this video was played on the big screen at last night's game vs. St. Louis. I'm surprised the Canucks did that seeing how there is non-flattering references to Crawford and Cloutier.

Good on 'em for letting the fans enjoy the hard work of another fan.

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That really was a great video. I've seen that photoshopped photo of the beachball behind Cloutier about 100 times and I thought putting that in was pretty clever.

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I was just going to post the link on YouTube for this video and was glad to see it's already up. This is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while, especially the Jan Bulis part "Say Bulis! Bulis! Buly Buly Bulis!"

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That's a great video. Several inside jokes so I'm not sure if the masses will get all parts of it. I heard this video was played on the big screen at last night's game vs. St. Louis. I'm surprised the Canucks did that seeing how there is non-flattering references to Crawford and Cloutier.

Good on 'em for letting the fans enjoy the hard work of another fan.

I just saw this the other day on S-pac connected. Most people wouldn't under stand Don Taylor saying the "Brou-haha" line. (Don Taylor is unreal :P ) I thought it was really funny.

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