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Gagne blew a save

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A truly great and completely unnoticed major stat.

In the days of dusters hitting 20 jacks a season, this closing display he has put on over the last year + is extremely unique. Hats off to it/him.

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Ironic that his last blown save was exactly a year ago (the All-Star game)

And the last league game he lost was to the Daimondbacks as well. <_<

I wonder how long till someone again comes close to that achievement?

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Gagne didn't get a loss last night, just a blown save. That's the shame of it...the Dodgers ended up winning the game.

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Yeah, but they didn't win because of him. I'd still take Mariano Rivera over Gagne.

I disagree. I'd take Gagne over Rivera anyday. 84 CONSECUTIVE saves, thats a stat that will remain untouched, unless he breaks his own record. Also it wasnt his fault, that ball could've been field easily by Sainz, but it was misplayed. The streak would still be on if that ball was fielded. Hats off to Gagne, thats a pretty good stat, one that may pave the way to Cooperstown.

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What's Gagne's record in the postseason? Have you seen Rivera pitch in the postseason? I don't care how many consecutive saves the guy has, he doesn't have a whole lot when the teams season is on the line.

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It's not Gagne's fault the Dodgers can't win in the postseason, if the make it. Put him on a team with a chance to win every night and i bet you'll change ur mind. I'll put it this way, if Rivera wasnt on those damn Yankees, he'd be a no name, no matter how good his stats were. Gagne set a record that may stand in the books forever. If he was on a half decent team, his streak could reach many more games than 84.

P.S- I'm a Redsox fan, so i say F*** Rivera, and the Yankees. Just my opinion.

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I think if Gagne had been on the Yankee's and had all the opportunities to close out a big game that Rivera had, he would have done just as well. I think Gagne has better stuff but Rivera has that playoff experience that Gagne doesn't have.

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82 of something in a row is something I guess, but the save rule has become a lot more lax than it used to be. I see 8-3 games and someone has a save.

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Have you seen Rivera pitch in the postseason?

You mean game 7 of the WS against the DBacks? :D

Anyway, now he can start playing in some more important situations. It's kind of useless to have your best pitcher just pitching twice in every ten games. I would much rather him come in in the 7th or 8th in a key situation than to let him sit and potentially not get a chance to play because it isn't a save situation.

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I though the rule was that if one of the next three batters up didn't represent the tying run, it wasn't a save situation.

A save is credited to a pitcher who fulfills the following three conditions:

The pitcher is the last pitcher in a game won by his team;

The pitcher is not the winning pitcher (for instance, if a starting pitcher throws a complete game win);

The pitcher fulfills at least one of the following three conditions:

He comes into the game with a lead of no more than three runs, and pitches the remainder of the game, gaining at least one out.

He comes into the game with the potential tying run being either on base, at bat, or on deck.

He pitches at least three "effective" innings (this is the only subjective criterion and is judged by the official scorer).

If a pitcher enters a game in a save situation (for a team leading by three runs or less) in an inning which is not the last (e.g. in a regulation 9-inning home game, pitching the top of the 8th), and his team later scores one or more run(s) to extend their lead beyond three runs, then as long as the same pitcher pitches until the end of the game, he is still credited with the save.

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It's not the next three batters, it's if the last batter represents the tying run, then it's a save opportunity. In other words, if a pitcher comes in a game with two on, one out, and down by 4, then it's a save situation because the guy on deck represents the tying run. You can also get a save by pitching the final 3 innings of a game that your team wins.

And who's to say that Gagne would do as well on a winning team or in the playoffs? Rivera is the best closer in playoff history..... and by far. Gagne and Rivera both have two good pitches that are tough to hit. And while Gagne's changeup is incredible, Rivera's cutter may be tougher to hit. Gagne's had a real good couple of years, but Rivera's been one of the best in the majors since '97. Gagne's been getting the better press this year, despite the fact that Rivera is having the better season.

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Have you seen Rivera pitch in the postseason?

You mean game 7 of the WS against the DBacks? :D

Anyway, now he can start playing in some more important situations. It's kind of useless to have your best pitcher just pitching twice in every ten games. I would much rather him come in in the 7th or 8th in a key situation than to let him sit and potentially not get a chance to play because it isn't a save situation.

The way closers throw, there's almost no manager that will bring them in for more than one inning when their team has the lead. And definitely not in the 7th inning. I can only think of two closers who are used in the 8th inning semi-consistently. That's Keith Foulke and Mariano Rivera. Not sure if Foulke's still used that way in Boston, but he was with the White Sox.

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Most of Gagne's saves have been "hard" ones simply because the Dodgers have almost no ability to score. He's been damn good for a while but he has a couple of losses from pitching in tied games that isn't reflected in his saves.

Rivera has been money and the games he blows GENERALLY haven't been the big ones.

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Most of Gagne's saves have been "hard" ones simply because the Dodgers have almost no ability to score. He's been damn good for a while but he has a couple of losses from pitching in tied games that isn't reflected in his saves.

Rivera has been money and the games he blows GENERALLY haven't been the big ones.

That what I was getting at. If the Dodgers weren't so bad, Gagne would have even better numbers than he does now, so if you put him on a team with the caliber of say the yankees, I feel he'd be better than Rivera, simply because i think he has better stuff than Rivera, and o yea, he throws 98 MPH, something Rivera doesnt do. Yes Rivera has playoff experience, but if Gagne was on a decent team, he'd have just as much experience as Rivera. I'm not saying Rivera isnt good, he's one of the greatest closers in the game, and as a die-hard Sox fan I'll give him those props, but I believe Gagne is better, and if he was on a good team i think everyone else would see that.

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He throws 98 but it's straight. Rivera's cutter is filthy and breaks bats.

Good point, either way the cutter produces ground ball outs, and most guys cant catch up to Gagne's heat, but i still think Gagne has a better arcenal, his curve it disgusting after a 99 MPH pitch, freezes most guys.

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