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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Graf Ultra G50 goal skates

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These look pretty sweet and with Graf's reputation for comfort I have to imagine they are gonne be a nice skate. They should be on the market sometime around June/July.



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I thought they were using a different togue?

I thought they were using a different togue?

I am not sure if that is the tongue they are being shipped with.

If the production models are the same as the one goal ones, they have the same tongue that's on the other ultra models.

I most likely think the white ones have some mods, and look great.

As for bland... I like to think of grafs being subtle.

I am not sure if that is the tongue they are being shipped with.

If the production models are the same as the one goal ones, they have the same tongue that's on the other ultra models.

I most likely think the white ones have some mods, and look great.

As for bland... I like to think of grafs being subtle.

I am not sure if that is the tongue they are being shipped with.

If the production models are the same as the one goal ones, they have the same tongue that's on the other ultra models.

I most likely think the white ones have some mods, and look great.

As for bland... I like to think of grafs being subtle.

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they may have decided to use a lighter weight tongue and a smaller tongue since this is the togue that is coming on the other Ultra player skates. Now as for the other skate its a youth graf skate

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