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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sande Stick

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i was just looking at the some sande gloves and browsing through their website when i came upon a new stick. My rink has the heatseeker pros but i have never seen this. its called the show, they have SNAP touch sharkskin grip which looks a lot like nipple grip. I was just wondering if anybody else has seen or used this. the show

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Score more goals……..guaranteed!

That's some hefty talk right there.

SNAP is a huge gimmick. How are your fingertips supposed to ïnterpret" the feel that you're getting when

A: You're not trained in their form of night writing, and

B: Your fingertips don't actually touch the stick, and NO glove will allow you to feel the bumps clearly or distinctly, I don't care if it's got 5 whole trigger fingers.

If you ask me, there's more BS hype here than with warrior, and they don't pull it off nearly as well as warrior does.

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I don't see anything wrong with what they've written. It's marketing with a humorous slant. It's up to the consumer to decide what is relevant and what was put in there for amusement.

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Its funny how Kyle Turris is already their main marketing model, despite still playing jr. hockey and his team having a deal with Sande gloves, forcing him to use them

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1) Who the hell is Kyle Turris?

2) I didn't like juvenile product names, gimmicky products, god awful colour/design schemes, and junior high marketing when Warrior did it - what are they doing that is any different (besides possibly making it more obnoxious?)?

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I'm already getting tired of how companies are trying to do the warrior thing. I'm starting to dislike warrior and what it's doing to our equipment. Maybe I don't want a stick with a nipple(OMG did I just say nipple!??!?!?!?!?! hehehehehe :rolleyes: ) grip.

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1) Who the hell is Kyle Turris?

Kyle Turris is a player who plays Jr.A for the Burnaby Express in the BCHL he will definetly go top 5 in this years draft some say he may go first.He is tearing up the BCHL with over 2 PPG average. You will definetly hear his name in the NHL soon.

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I thought the BCHL was kind of a step or two below playing in the CHL? I just looked up the International Scouting Services rankings, and he's the #3 skater, so I guess he really does exist. Also, the #27 ranked skater is Vladimir Ruzicka - that guy's got to be 45 years old by now! :P

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The BCHL is a very good league, many would say best jr.A league in Canada, over 100 scholarships this seasons alone, and Turris is an excellent player, saw him play last night. Probably a top 3 pick for this upcoming draft.

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I think this thread is illustrative of why they chose to market the products in the way they have -- because their voice has been heard above the din. In other words, you're talking about them.

While many of you are talking about them in a negative way, there are others who aren't put off by the words they chose. If enough people learn about them and don't have problems with the marketing style, then mission is accomplished. Particularly when one considers they would jump for joy if they could pick up 1% of the market. So the more quickly people spread the word about how much they hate the advertisement, the more quickly they go through the ninety-nine who don't like it, to get to the one who will try it.

That's marketing. Throw enough mud on the wall to see what sticks.

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I don't take issue with the type of marketing they're using. I take issue with them using big words and claiming that NASA had something to do with the development of their stick. I mean...

SNAP Touchâ„¢ grip technology is based on mathematical texture algorithms developed by NASA to translate ultra delicate information via the fingertips. The idea was first conceived in 1821 by Charles Barbier, an ingenious French soldier, who needed a way to pass secret, critical information accurately and silently from person to person.

come on! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is a mathematical texture algorithm? To me, it comes off as they're trying way too hard and going over the top, and can't decide whether they want to be edgy or they want technology to sell their sticks.

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I posted a topic on this a while ago when I saw the demo stick. I got a chance to use it, and I really like it. The balance is very nice and it's actually very light. If it was my height, I probably would have liked it even more. Looks like a MacDaddy but performs very well. We have probably five Shows in our shop, and about 100 Heatseekers.

EDIT - Just read that the shop I work at is featured as a new authorized dealer for Sande. Pretty cool, lol

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I don't take issue with the type of marketing they're using. I take issue with them using big words and claiming that NASA had something to do with the development of their stick. I mean...

SNAP Touchâ„¢ grip technology is based on mathematical texture algorithms developed by NASA to translate ultra delicate information via the fingertips. The idea was first conceived in 1821 by Charles Barbier, an ingenious French soldier, who needed a way to pass secret, critical information accurately and silently from person to person.

come on! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is a mathematical texture algorithm? To me, it comes off as they're trying way too hard and going over the top, and can't decide whether they want to be edgy or they want technology to sell their sticks.

You're misreading it. They aren't saying that NASA had something to do with the development of their stick. They're saying that they are using technology developed by NASA. It's common for military inventions to find their way into everyday manufacturing, just as it's common for companies to build up their use of the invention to be bigger than it is -- i.e., make it seem exclusive to them.

I have no idea whether the stick is any good, but I like the copy they wrote for their product. People are talking about it, which is all they can hope for. And they didn't have to cross a line, such as having a kid with a woodie staring at a stick.

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I understand the trickle down effect from militatry technology and how it can make its way into everyday life, and I know how manufacturers can skew things like you said. Still, something about it just seems off, like it's just a ton of hype. I'm sure they're good performing sticks, and they've got to find some way for people to buy them since they don't have "Easton" written on them, but it all seems way over the top.

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Thanks for all the current feed back. we ARE NOT trying to snow anyone. We came up with features, and backed up our developements. Your points, believe me are all takin into consideration.

PS Kyle Turris and I talk all the time, I know him and his family well and he will be wearing our product and using the sticks in WI next year.

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My hockey pants uses technology from Nasa engineers, velcro. It's a stupid marketing ploy.

If I was them(assuming they could afford to do this) I'd run a promotion where say 25 to 100(depending on how bold we want to be) people win free sticks. Not only do you have people checking out and entering the contest but you get some of your sticks out there. If your product is good enough it should be able to sell itself... The main issue is getting it out there in the first place.

*this might not be the best idea in the world but it would get me more interested in it than the whole "spaceage technology" thing.

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Since their gloves are starting to get a following already, perhaps a discount if you buy both gloves and stick together- a coupon for $50 off a Sande stick with every pair of Sande gloves, or something to that effect. They could do a mail in rebate. I'm actually kind of surprised that mail in rebates haven't made it into hockey equipment yet, seems they're on everything else.

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That's a good point. I never thought of that, sounds like a pretty good idea. Or maybe a limited time extended warranty program. It's got to be tough to start nowadays when you're a small company but without risk you can't get a reward. Look how much money new balance put into warrior hockey and look what they're getting in return. Hopefully if this stick is quality they won't end up like salming(also with a quality product) with their tail between their legs and begging to get the leftover table scraps from the big guys.

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My hockey pants uses technology from Nasa engineers, velcro. It's a stupid marketing ploy.

If I was them(assuming they could afford to do this) I'd run a promotion where say 25 to 100(depending on how bold we want to be) people win free sticks. Not only do you have people checking out and entering the contest but you get some of your sticks out there. If your product is good enough it should be able to sell itself... The main issue is getting it out there in the first place.

*this might not be the best idea in the world but it would get me more interested in it than the whole "spaceage technology" thing.

As a "little guy", I agree completely with your idea. In fact, that is what we are slowly trying to do. Seeding the market is the best way to get a following if you don't have a name like Easton or the pockets like Nike/Bauer.

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I know a lot of you guys and gals are young but there is nothing wrong with what is on their web site. Its just marketing 101 to overstate and attract attention.

The best part is at the end of the day YOU and YOU alone decide where to spend your money.

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