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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Kronik

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The Warrior 8 ball?

That's my pick. The Warrior 8 ball skate, all black with a big white 8 on the heel.

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let's leave the drug connotations to the junkies.

So you see a pro using it, SO WHAT?!

In a sport that promotes health and family...

how can anybody in thier right mind support a company that condones and endorses drug abuse?

That's poor taste and violates the fundamental belief of this great game we call hockey,

if you want to buy into old ass inno designs with new labels, that's your choice, but for christ sake, do the rest of us really have to read it anymore?

Our rink owner agreed with you. We didn't carry the Kronic for those reasons. We have been an Inno(now Warrior) dealer since the late 90s.

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Drug or hockey dealer?

Personally, as someone who had substance abuse problems in the past, I find it in poor taste to capitalize the "cool" factor of illicit substances.

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Hey TBL fan, was it my grammer? u don't relate to what i said?

or are you always a sarcastic *cough* ahem ...... prick? :rolleyes:

Only when people *cough* ahem, are dumb :D

That's not the nicest way to put it but you are right. I use sarcasm as a indirect way to call people idiots. It has nothing to do with the word-age but the content of the post.

I will be very clear here: Warrior did not make the Kronik blade with groves so that it does anything special for you. The blade has this unique design to help retain blade stiffness, the blade isn't meant to flex or give you magical powers, it's meant to remain stiff. Better?

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Ok so you are saying that my post is shit. Well i apologize for not being more forum savvy, and knowing how to get my opinion across properly so that a forum elitist such as yourself won't feel inclined to shit on a newbie like me.

Maybe you should have just said in the first place that in your opinion the kronik blade does not bend like i read it did on the site and then state your case and a discussion would have ensued. I would have thought that being an asshole to the new people on the forum was not a good thing for the site and and maybe that an experienced person in the forums such as yourself would help people like me along. But apparently i'm an idiot so, its taking me longer than most to learn the ropes. :( I was just stating how the use of my new kronik was going, it's only my opinion. So again i apologize for putting up stupid posts. But if i didn't, what then would you bitch about? People paying to much for something they don't need? Just a guess. :P

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appology accepted :rolleyes:

And before you start criticizing the type of person I am by insinuating that I continually "bitch" try reading some of my posts. I have no issue with people that don't know anything about gear, I have no issue with people asking questions. I do have issues with people that don't search before posting and people that speak as if they have a lot of product knowledge when they don't... Simply because other people might believe them. It's nothing personal, I just don't have any appreciation for people that misinform others that ask questions or are looking for answers.

I appologize that I didn't correct sc37 with the "idiot" comment, it's not soo much that you're an "idiot" but you are "ignorant." That's not your fault, in time you will learn more. Most of us at some point were ignorant when it came to this stuff, knowledge comes with time.

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What was i to search before posting my own personal opinion about a product? I'm to believe you are looking out for everyone? :rolleyes: To save them from in your opinion "someone" who doesn't know what he is talking about? Sounds like a "Lil' Buddy", i call big brother tryin' to save my soul. "Go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here." Well, if i do or do not have product knowledge is just again your opinion, and your entitled to it. Just as i am to put it down in this forum. Last time i checked it was up to the reader to take all the information and then decide for themselves, but as said before it is taking me a long time to learn the ropes. ;) I cannot misinform someone about a product because i tell them about my personal experience with it. Maybe some misconcieved notions at best. I'm not trying to send anyone in any direction or, push any product. In the end they are actually gonna have to try it for themselves. I am actually sorry for judging the type of person you are though, because thats what i thought you were doing to me. Thats where im thinking this all started for me. :( As for being ignorant,... maybe a 'lil in the way i come across.... maybe thinking as you said; 'thinking i know more than i actually do',no? I am definitely not perfect by any means but, i do believe i have more to offer than i presently am. With you i obviously came across not as i intended so, i am going to re-evaluate how i post as to relate better to people who read this forum. And as you said, i will learn in time. Wow, thats the most drama i have had since high school. o.O Girlfriends not withstanding. LOL, Do you even have the kronik?

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Sorry to interrupt your nice conversation, but how is the Spyne blade actually working? I checked the Website and this little animation and checked this thread but it seems like all the opinions count each other out.

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No I don't own a warrior, because I don't buy into hype. It felt like a halfway decent stick in the store and it's twice the price of any other stick. I'm not wasting my money on that just because they say their stick blade has a magnet in the blade that attracts the puck so it's easier to accept passes.

I wasn't referring to YOU using the search, I was talking in general; PEOPLE not using the search and being lazy... that had NOTHING to do with you.

You are, of course, welcome to your own opinion. But I am also welcome to critisize you lack of correctness. I'm done arguing, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings... Go play with your flexy little Kronik blade. :rolleyes:

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Ok TBL, just wanted to say you didn't hurt my feelings just didn't like how you went about it but.....wait,... wait a sec here..... there's a magnet in the blade of my stick? o.O ;) As far as the workings of the blade, i was to understand that like any blade there is a flex in it when shooting and that the grooves of the kronik are meant to make the stick bend at the heel faster which it turn loads it faster. But also that there is forward flex in the blade to eliminate fluttering shots and passes with a lil extra push from the blade. Which also gives extra zip on shots and passes. Anywho....... moving on. Well Sven, i think it works but TBL says don't believe the hype so, wait for more posts i guess .... B) Thats what im doing.

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thank you for the correction, I should have just stated that in the first place... that was my fault.

But on that subject; I believe that I have mentioned it in this thread before but the blade was less stiff(twisting it with my hand) than my xn10 but about as stiff as just about any other high end stick(a little less stiff than my response lite too). I am wondering how stiff the blade will be after 10, 20 or more icetimes.

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I just got my Kronik and have used it twice. Overall it feels good. I fell in love with my Mac Daddy, so I was hoping for the same thing. The SPYNE thing is wierd. The blade feels different, but the spyne doesnt feel like its doing what it was meant to do. Its hard to describe. It feels stiffer but at the same time it feels "snappy" I guess...Overall I like it so far, but I am adjusting to a different curve so its wierd right now.

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I would imagine that the different curve might be the reason why the blade feels "snappy."

Especially considering that the blade design wasn't designed to do anything besides keeping the blade stiff and to keep the blade from torquing.

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Yeah thats what I was thinking too but my friend has a Mac Daddy in the same curve and flex as my Kronik. I tried his for comparison and the Kronik still feels snappier...I guess thats not the best word to describe it, its just wierd. His stick is pretty used so its probably just that mine is stiffer/newer.

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yeah, it's probably either mental or just the difference between a broken in vs a new stick.

My friend had a Vapor XXX that he let me use a few times and in the beginning it felt great but after a while it just started to feel dead.

I don't think there is anything different between the Mac Daddy and the Kronik shaft besides some weight reduction(removed material) but I could be wrong. If someone in the know could chime in and verify or deny that, I'd appreciate it.

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Well, i'm a loser. If I purchased this stick, i'd be a loser with an angry wife because I wasted $230 on a stick.

Honestly, i'm thinking about buying the Mission Fury when it comes out. I can get a nice deal because my friend signed up for that Direct Buy program, and you can purchase Mission/Itech gear at a significant savings (we already priced some of the stuff).


And what Direct Buy program? Is he a store employee?

Sounds like a very expensive 'club' to join.

Direct Buy review

wait so they sell hockey gear? i thought it was just house stuff. im lost :unsure:

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I just got my Kronik and have used it twice. Overall it feels good. I fell in love with my Mac Daddy, so I was hoping for the same thing. The SPYNE thing is wierd. The blade feels different, but the spyne doesnt feel like its doing what it was meant to do. Its hard to describe. It feels stiffer but at the same time it feels "snappy" I guess...Overall I like it so far, but I am adjusting to a different curve so its wierd right now.

What do you mean by "snappy?" Does it feel snappy because the blade is more stiff perhaps? Thats my best guess

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Like I said, I dont really know how to describe it...It wierd. It feels more lively than my Mac Daddy did when it was brand new. By lively I mean it feels like it bends a little bit and snaps back in the blade if that makes sense.I feel like my shots have a little more on them with the Kronik...

-EDIT-By the way, JR, I would love to do a review on my Kronik in a little while once I get some use under my belt...

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I know what you mean forsberg91 , thats sorta how it feels to me but cannot explain it. I have never had another warrior so i cannot answer your Q blueliner27.

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can you compare it to some other sticks that you've used?

in an unbiased fashion?

what i mean by that is... we don't care what Warrior or the guy that sold the thing says, what's your experience with it?

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