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Team Canada One90 stick

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Tonight at practice, my coach had a pro stock Team Canada One90 stick. I tried it out and loved it. Where, besides ebay, could I find one of these

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It's the same stick, just different colors.

You will soon be able to order custom one90s/vapor sticks through the Nike iD program , I believe that The Hockey Shop is one of the Participating Retailers.

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Tonight at practice, my coach had a pro stock Team Canada One90 stick. I tried it out and loved it. Where, besides ebay, could I find one of these

What curve was it? If it was a actual pro stock curve (custom) rather then a retail curve put on a prostock stick, then you might have a hard time finding it.. but if its just a retail a regular One90 is the same thing.

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It's the same stick, just different colors.

You will soon be able to order custom one90s/vapor sticks through the Nike iD program , I believe that The Hockey Shop is one of the Participating Retailers.

yeah 10 stores across canada will have it, not sure on the states but its done instore

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yeah...they make a USA one too.

I heard the NikeID will let you get the countries One90.

OIther than that, your best bet is, like you said, ebay.

I've seen a couple on there already.

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yeah...they make a USA one too.

I heard the NikeID will let you get the countries One90.

OIther than that, your best bet is, like you said, ebay.

I've seen a couple on there already.

yes thats correct

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I am at Vancouver now went to thehockeyshop and they only have a sample of the team Canada there with a Nike ID logo printed on it looks cool though but can't find one to purchase.

I am at Vancouver now went to thehockeyshop and they only have a sample of the team Canada there with a Nike ID logo printed on it looks cool though but can't find one to purchase.

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