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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jamie McLennan

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First he slashed Franzen in front of the net twice, delayed penalty, and then after he went behind the net to touch the puck he came around front and slashed Franzen in what appeared to be the stomach... Full wind up, apparently unprovoked...

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Was watching Yanks/Sox...what happened?

During the play he slashed a Red Wing in the back of the leg twice, and then after the play he slashed him in the chest/midsection as he is just skating by.

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wow, the ending of the game was something I haven't seen in forever. The Flames simply resorted cheap shots while Detroit was just trying to get out of there.

Iginla took the butt end of his stick and jabbed it into someone's(too shocked to notice who it was) side. Then followed him into the offensive zone and crosschecked him right at the kidney.

Then Draper got attacked but that was mild compared to the others.

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What a joke. Man, Iginla has to be the classiest captain in all of hockey. What an idiot. That would make my day if he's suspended tomorrow.

And McClennan, that was hilarious. Calgary's a joke.

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It was Schneider. The way the Flames ended that game is a disgrace to hockey. I hope Iginla gets suspended. This is the kind of crap that hurts hockey and keeps the game from attracting a larger audience

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I'm thinking Playfair could see some discipline here. Put McClennon in, cheap shots. For no apperent reason throw Iginla in the game at the end. Cheapshots once again.

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of course, i can see it now. They will show all of these cheap shots on Sportscenter tomorrow morning, and everybody in America that does not play hockey will think that hockey is always full of cheap shots.

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of course, i can see it now. They will show all of these cheap shots on Sportscenter tomorrow morning, and everybody in America that does not play hockey will think that hockey is always full of cheap shots.

Amen. Iginla is a disgrace.

Not to highjack, but people were chewin up Colby Armstrong for some of his hits, (like the one on Eaves that was clean), and here you have a team captain, hockey game coverboy, league 'superstar' doing crap like that. He wasn't playing hard, or tough or physical, he was being cheap. Disgrace, I'll say it again.

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Guest superman20

of course, i can see it now. They will show all of these cheap shots on Sportscenter tomorrow morning, and everybody in America that does not play hockey will think that hockey is always full of cheap shots.

Amen. Iginla is a disgrace.

Not to highjack, but people were chewin up Colby Armstrong for some of his hits, (like the one on Eaves that was clean), and here you have a team captain, hockey game coverboy, league 'superstar' doing crap like that. He wasn't playing hard, or tough or physical, he was being cheap. Disgrace, I'll say it again.

yeah, and they say its all emotion....either that or they are sore losers

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I'm disappointed. I've watched Iginla since his days in Kamloops and back then and early in his career he always seemed like a class act. I guess not anymore...

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I guess most of you don't get a chance to see Iginla play on a regular basis. That sort of shit is an every day occurence with him. He's one of the biggest chirpers in the league and he's usually good for some completely unprovoked shot at the end of any game the Flames lose.

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Let's not forget about Langkow's sucker punch on Lebda? Should be suspension worthy. IMO worst than Tootoo on Robidas.

edit: Some will say Lebda's hip check was low & dirty, which I think was borderline (definately interference) a call was being made on Lebda. That I guess is what my problem is, besides the punch to the face.

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When the Lightning played Calgary in the finals; I could honestly not dislike Iginla. He played clean and hard although he was almost non-existant in all but a couple games in the series he still looked like he was trying. And I can't recall one incident where he looked like he wasn't a clean player. Ever since then I've thought highly of the man but he lost all my respect today.

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"It was really about getting some fights going at that point to keep our energy up and carry some anger into the next game," Iginla said with several new stitches over his left eye. "We're not going away." - Jarome Iginla, Espn.com news article

So taking cheap shots and doing things with your stick that you really shouldn't be doing is Calgary's way of keeping the energy up and making them angry for the next game. What class....

And I feel sorry for Kiprusoff. He does so much for that team without cheap-shotting other players and what does he get back for all of this, a 5-1 loss from sloppy and shameful play.

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Being an Avs fan, its hard for me to watch the Flames doing this kind of crap. No way they deserved the spot over the Avs after this, its awful.

Also, does anyone have video of the Iginla cheapshot? Thanks

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