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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Super Star

Straps are too long?

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your legs don't get that fat. With the leather straps, I just tuck some of the excess back in the other side of the buckle, creating a loop. Watch the straps when you play, sometimes they MAY come undone.

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How fat are you gonna get? I highly doubt you get fat enough to require the 6 inches or whatever you chop off. Just think if you broke one, OMG can't ever fix it...maybe the oughta make replacement straps. :ph34r:

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or both, I leave (didn't have to cut) an extra approximately 6 inches on my straps, just in case my calf muscles ever get obscenely big. I loop the extra length back through the buckle just enough to hold. I had to replace one of the boot straps (my pads have 2) and the replacement strap was too long. It's probably still a tad too long, so I'll probably go take the razor blade out of my emergency goalie gear tool kit (couple dozen extra screws, washers, t-nuts, and a few toe buckles as well as a screwdriver with bits and a razorblade).

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I used to just tuck them... I cut an older pair when I played roller.. I went to sell them, and the guy looking at them was pretty upset they were cut- and didn't buy them.

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First of all, are the pad straps "leather belt" or just the "clips"?

If there leather straps just feed them back through the buckle part.

If they are clips eather tie them or also send them back through.

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