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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dare to Dream 1980

Shin Pad Length

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Alright so I currently use 15" Bauer 6000 shin pads and i tend to get hit in the front of the ankle a lot blocking shots. They go to the top eye-let on my one90's and i was wondering what size would make it so i cover my whole front ankle? (if you need any help knowing what i mean--look at a Chris Drury picture and how he has his shin pads covering everything

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you may also want to check into the Itech 990 from a couple of seasons ago- it came with a pair of removable pads that hung down from the front of the pad to protect the front of the foot from shots.

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grab your skates.

Walk into LHS.

Grab a couple pairs of shin guards.

Sit down and put on skate.

Put on various shin guards.

Decide what works best.

Take off skate.

Replace shin guards where you got them.

Go buy shin guards.


Come on, it really isn't hard. Sorry for coming off like an asshole but this is common sense, we can't give you a magical answer here. We don't know how long your shins are and where exactly YOU want the shin guard to come down to.

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yeah...what he said....funny story....a kid on my hockey teams shin pads are REALLY small for him....he got hit with a sucky kids slapper and damn near snapped his ankle....now that the seasons over i recommended to him to get new ones...they were about 2 sizes too small

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grab your skates.

Walk into LHS.

Grab a couple pairs of shin guards.

Sit down and put on skate.

Put on various shin guards.

Decide what works best.

Take off skate.

Replace shin guards where you got them.

Go buy shin guards.


Come on, it really isn't hard. Sorry for coming off like an asshole but this is common sense, we can't give you a magical answer here. We don't know how long your shins are and where exactly YOU want the shin guard to come down to.

Whenever someone brought their kid in for shin guards I always told them to go get their skates. Unless you've stopped growing and you're just replacing with the same brand/model, always try them on with your skates.

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The benefit of working or buying from a pro shop in a rink, usually your old gear is with you to help you and the shop guy make the right choice on what fits best. Doesn't that sound like a good reason to support the LHS? It is, it is.

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absolutely, a 15" Vector isn't necessarily going to fit the same as say a 15" one90. You need to try it on and you need to try it on with your skates, if not for length for shape. How many threads have we seen where people are asking for a wider of narrower shin guard because they don't sit right on or in their skate?

Go to you LHS and try them on, I promise you're not going to get better advise than that.

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