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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ever happen to anyone; gone cold

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Im used to scoring just about every time i have a good chace.Lately I cant even get a junk goal. Im puting it in the goalies chest and hit the post four times just in my game tonite. Im getting assists, but it feels terrible to make the defense look dumb and blow the shot. What can i do? I go to the rink and shot a couple times a week. that hasnt helped. I never look at the goalie when i shoot. always the open net.

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stop thinking about the drought so much and if you really have to, get "cocky"...your confidence is taking a dive and you are the only person who can tell yourself your better, so you gotta start THINKING like the player you were, scoring goals etc.

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Yea I am a very streaky scorer. About 3 months ago there was a streak of maybe 4 games and I had about 17 points in those 4 games and then just went cold for about 6 games getting only 2 points. Recently in 2 games I had 11 points and the next 2 games I had 2. Its kinda weird but its pissing me off! I want to score 5 goals a game every game!

This is just a pickup rec game too so dont get all suspicious with the huge point totals! No checking = freedom to try crazy stuff.

ANYWAY... to get back on topic... try taking a break. Dont go to extra ice times other than games you have to be at. Sometimes playing too much can burn you out. There can be such a thing as too much practice.

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See my "back to basics" thread...

The last couple skates were pretty good, I'm just trying to focus on playing well instead of numbers. Tying to stay in position, move your feet, and fire pucks on net, work hard every shift.

Maybe trying analyzing shifts instead of games...that way you can focus on what you would like to improve and try for immediate results.

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every player in the world goes thru tought times, it's either the speed of the game or it's just not working for you...

NHL guys go tru tought times so you will most likelly too...

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sure. i went from 12 goals in 5 games to 6 goals in the next 11. since that i have 14 in the last 6. everyone can be streaky.

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Just try not to let it get to you, lighten up. Don't be out there white-knuckling your stick, squeezing it to pieces.... take this opportunity to improve your game away from the puck... a complete game is beyond goals and assists.

And like someone else mentioned, skip a week or two's worth of drop in sessions.... just play games. Going without, you'll fiend out to jump back on the ice. I skip a week or so due to certain circumstances, I come back and I feel like I've been shot out of a cannon.

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A great story that Ryan Walter told:

As you will recall, he was a scorer with Canadiens, and he had gone into a terrible scoring slump. One day at Practice Jaques Lemaire pulled him aside and had him go over the blue line carrying the puck on the wing. When he got half way in, Lemaire stopped him and asked, what do you see ? Walter responded, I see nothing but the goalie, what else am I supposed to see ?

Lemaire responded, when you were scoring you saw nothing but net ! He then went on to tell him not to try too hard and to stop rushing the shot. he wanted him to relax and hold the puck long enough to make a move so that there was an opening to shoot at.

You know, when we are hot it seems like everything goes in. We are so relaxed. When we get cold, we simply try way too hard.

Best of luck. BTW scoring droughts are typically followed by scoring in bunches.

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Practice, practice, and practice some more. Your top NHL shooters will shoot 100+ pucks a day. That may not be practical for those of us that don't play hockey for a living, but getting in as many as you can each day will certainly help. The other, and possibily more difficult, issue is getting your mind out of the slump. Most people getting into the habit of trying too hard because they lose confidence during a slump. It's important to accept that off games are a normal thing for anyone playing any sport at any level. Work on positive thinking and you'll get your confidence back while ending the slump.

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Still having a massive drought.

My assists have went way up and goals way down.

still walking around people and blowing my chance.

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If it helps, I played hockey from 1986 until 1995 without ever scoring a single goal in a game. And the first goal I scored as a kid was an empty netter against a team that was two years younger. THAT is a drought :P

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If it helps, I played hockey from 1986 until 1995 without ever scoring a single goal in a game. And the first goal I scored as a kid was an empty netter against a team that was two years younger. THAT is a drought :P

thanks! My brother is in his third league and only score one goal. I never thought of it that way. I guess you just take it for granted

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