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Sherwood Gloves?

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Does anyone know where I can get a pair of the PRO Sherwood gloves like Spezza wears? I just bought the X4's and they are not what I was looking for at all. any help is greatly appreciated.

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14 1/2 and Pref Navy since I'll be playing for UM-Dearborn in the Fall

if you can get just that pro model, I will pretty much accept any color in 14 1/2

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Sorry, don't have access to that model but I can get the more vintage looking ones with the diamonds forming a "V"

how much? and all leather? any pics?

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All leather, $50, no pics, but give me a week and I can get some. Stars pro stock BTW, so black with just the tiniest bit of green.

Nothin navy? or no connection to get navy?

how about SWD sticks? you can get them too or no?

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gotcha... well any way to get sticks?

Not unless the Stars totally change color schemes. The info I have recieved suggests them reverting mostly to black and white.

is black and white available to you at all? I wouldn't mind something basic like that.

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14 1/2 and Pref Navy since I'll be playing for UM-Dearborn in the Fall

if you can get just that pro model, I will pretty much accept any color in 14 1/2

I'd just wait til you get to UM-D - Sherwood has a seperate pricelist for ACHA teams along with the NAHL and several OP teams. You'll be able to get a stock navy pair for significantly less than retail if you talk to your coach about it. You're looking for the 9950 Pro, but they have an RM19 and RM9 glove out this year that are more similar to a Vapor type glove.

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those are garb-O

14 1/2 and Pref Navy since I'll be playing for UM-Dearborn in the Fall

if you can get just that pro model, I will pretty much accept any color in 14 1/2

I'd just wait til you get to UM-D - Sherwood has a seperate pricelist for ACHA teams along with the NAHL and several OP teams. You'll be able to get a stock navy pair for significantly less than retail if you talk to your coach about it. You're looking for the 9950 Pro, but they have an RM19 and RM9 glove out this year that are more similar to a Vapor type glove.

Even if it's CLUB hockey?

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Michigan-Dearborn only has club hockey if I remember correctly. There are several manufacturers that have team lists for club teams. There are a few club teams that have substantial equipment and stick budgets. Money is green no matter what team it comes from.

those are garb-O

14 1/2 and Pref Navy since I'll be playing for UM-Dearborn in the Fall

if you can get just that pro model, I will pretty much accept any color in 14 1/2

I'd just wait til you get to UM-D - Sherwood has a seperate pricelist for ACHA teams along with the NAHL and several OP teams. You'll be able to get a stock navy pair for significantly less than retail if you talk to your coach about it. You're looking for the 9950 Pro, but they have an RM19 and RM9 glove out this year that are more similar to a Vapor type glove.

Even if it's CLUB hockey?

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garb-O A. thats funny cause these are the exact same model Spezza wears the 9950's in Nylon.



that one on ebay is older. that's not the same gloves Spezza wears.

Michigan-Dearborn only has club hockey if I remember correctly. There are several manufacturers that have team lists for club teams. There are a few club teams that have substantial equipment and stick budgets. Money is green no matter what team it comes from.

yeah they ONLY have club. Thats why I asked even if it was coming from club, but yeah I'll wait and see. I know they are going to give us gloves and a stick budget of some sort.

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I'd like to revive this topic.

I've got some questions about the Sherwood 9950 gloves. First, has anybody used them? If so, what do you think of them?

Second, are they available anywhere? I'd like to give a pair of the nylon 9950s a try. I used to wear an older pair of Sherwoods. Loved the fit, but they were not durable at all. I'm now wearing a pair of the Easton Z-Airs, or whatever they call them. I love the durability, but the fingers just aren't long enough. It's time to give the old classic Sherwoods a try again, but I can't find them anywhere.

What's going on with Sherwood? It seems like it's harder and harder to find sticks, blades, and protective equipment. I hope they aren't struggling or restricting distribution. I think it's in everyone's best interest if the independent, hockey focused outfits survive.

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I don't really have anything to add here, but we received them in the store earlier this week, and will probably be getting a pair for myself. They feel great and they look really sharp. They were a little ackward when I initially put them on, but after wearing them around the store for a bit, I really started to like them. I'm in love. :P

I'll probably take them over the Bauer 4-Roll and the TPS R8.

EDIT: I'm talking about the 9950-Pro leather ones like Aussie Joe linked to a few posts up.

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