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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok. So as I learned tonight, a helmet to the clavicle will indeed snap it completely. As a result, I'm out for 6-8 weeks (which effectively has screwed up my volleyball playoffs, high school hockey season, senior prom, senior trip, graduation, my current job, and potentially my summer job.) But all of that aside, I was wondering what I could do to stay in remotely good shape in terms of strength. I think most cardio is out for a while due to the necessity for stability for the first few weeks, but I suppose I could do a recumbent bike after that. You guys have any other ideas on keeping in shape?

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Yea last year i broke mine right before tryouts after about a week i was on a stationary bike everyday, just rest up and make sure it heals fully.

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Make sure you get clearance from a doctor before you play again or even doing something like lifting weights. I broke mine 4 years ago. After about a month everything felt fine. I worked out and snapped it again just doing a military press and was back to square one. Good luck.

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cyclists break their collarbones all the time and are often back on the ' stationary trainer soon after to try and hold some fitness

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stairmaster or elliptical trainer (no arms of course)for variety,all leg machines,walking lunges,cables,steps.

and also drink whey protein powder to keep your muscle mass while your not doing upper body work

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I was wearing some Nike V-11 shoulders, which I found out don't have much protection at all over the collarbone, save some of the thin padding. So now I'm looking for some new shoulder pads with some extra protection over the collarbone. You guys have any ideas? I was looking at the CCM Vector 10's

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I'd say hit the bike hard, and do some leg press/leg curls/calf raises. (first time I have ever reccomended the leg press to someone). Some protine with glutamine will help with muscle mass loss.

If you put in 45 minutes on the bike 5 days a week you should be able to keep ourself where you are now, if not improve.

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