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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken OPS Help

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I am having a lot of difficulty fitting a tapered blade into my broken pro stock si core shaft. never done it before. Right now the shaft is cut right through the second "semi circle" under the E towards the bottom of the shaft. I can take pictures if it will help you guys out. There is still a bunch of crap stuck in the shaft, I'm trying to fit a drury t-flex in it.

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I thought you worked at a shop. Well anyways that "crap" is the blade's tennion and you have to chizel it out or stick a rod in the other end of the shaft and push it out. That works for most OPS not too sure about a Si Core.

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We never have to deal with broken ops, and ive always been to lazy to actually convert mine. Ill try the thing with the rod though

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Right where its cut there is a rock hard layer in the shaft thats definately not comming out without a drill bit, however about 2 inches above it its just the walls of the shaft.

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I did, the blade fits in perfectly. Only problem is its about 7 inches too short, Ill have to go pick up a monster plug for it.

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I thought you worked at a shop.

Cutting OPS and making tapered shafts out of them is not common knowledge.

Yup, right again JR. One of my coaches broke his Grip Syn and put a Jofa blade on the plug side. His explanation:

"You never put a blade on the tapered side after it breaks." :huh:

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I'm trying to fit a drury t-flex in it.

read above.

Whippy is good. And its really not a big deal, I just got bored and decided to play around with some junk I had laying around.

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I'm trying to fit a drury t-flex in it.

read above.

Whippy is good. And its really not a big deal, I just got bored and decided to play around with some junk I had laying around.

I got a 9 inch plug in mine, and i love the flex.

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yeah i took my grip synergy to my LHS and they cut my synergy sooo short, its not even tapered anymore.. its just a regular grip shaft, i'm sooo pissed.. its like the guy didn't know what he was doing...

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"when you break our sticks, you can make it a tapered shaft so you dont go out and buy another one of our sticks!!!! Yay!!!!!"

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I have to disagree with a big plug making it whippy. I had a long plug in an OPS and it was not whippy.

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I had a 7 inch plug in my Response and it made almost no difference in flex. If anything it was a bit stiffer. First of all cutting the stick makes it stiffer, adding a plug isn't going to make it flex that much more. There may have been other internal damage as well to make yours flex more. Or you may have felt the plug flex between your hands but that isn't going to make your stick that much flexier.

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